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Giant Bomb News


Prepare for Fallout 3 With Silly Videos

Watch one of these videos every six days and October 28 will be here in no time.

If you're looking forward to Fallout 3 (and you're not one of No Mutants Allowed's loonies), you have to give it up for the effort Bethesda is putting into capturing the gee-whiz spirit and wide-eyed '50s-looking style of the original Fallout games. They've just launched a new site with a bunch of really well-produced, amusing black-and-white movies detailing the various features in the game. Back at Microsoft's E3 press conference, they ran a pretty hilarious Vault-Tec TV commercial in this style, but sadly I don't see that particular clip on here. Though, a lot of these videos have clickable links that will take you to demos of things like the Pip Boy arm-mounted computer. Here's one of 'em.

Well, no, I can't get the video to embed. Crap. Just go check out the site!

Hey, did you know Fallout 3 is out in just over a month? That one really snuck up on me. Anyway, this is an interesting way to learn more about what is personally one of my most anticipated games this year.


Brad Shoemaker on Google+