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    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Aug 27, 2019

    Dive into a dark and brutalist-inspired world where daily reality has been corrupted by an otherworldly force.

    mynameisfatmike's Control Ultimate Edition (PC) review

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    • Score:
    • mynameisfatmike wrote this review on .
    • 2 out of 2 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Control - Remedy Firing on All Cylinders

    Control is an outstanding experience with a gripping story, one of a kind environment, and gameplay that is so expertly tuned that I struggle to find an adequate comparison. There are some enemy encounters and sequences that are so expertly crafted that they'll be remembered for years to come.

    Expect a 10-15 hour single player story that's like XFiles meets Half Life 1; a sci-fi/paranatural mystery thriller that reveals itself as you explore this hidden world of government beaurocracy and mystery. The story is presented directly through cutscenes and gameplay but there is almost more story hidden away through items you read and listen to in the environment that really fill in all the gaps. Most games that attempt to do something like this don't succeed to the degree that Control does. I wanted to go out of my way to find a read every last bureau report and listen to every hidden tape.

    Gameplay is a third-person action platformer with some light puzzle solving. Combat is a mix of run and gun shooting mixed with a handful of paranormal abilities you accumulate over the course of the game. Your weapons and abilities grow more powerful over time as you find mods, complete quests, and defeat more powerful enemies. There are also loads of hidden areas and side quests that easily add another 10+ hours to this game, if not more for the completionist-minded players

    As good as it is, I wouldn't call it a perfect game. The "ending" of the story comes a bit abruptly and leaves a bit to be desired, the conversations can sometimes feel a little clunky, and there's a handful of encounters that can get a bit frustrating - but those are mild complaints in what is otherwise a marvelous experience.

    Control Ultimate Edition comes with the 2 story DLCs: AWE and Foundation - each one provided a new are and quest-line, filled with little hidden side-stories, collectibles, and areas to explore. These DLCs really help to flesh out the world and provide more of what makes control great.

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