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    Doom Eternal

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Mar 20, 2020

    The direct sequel to the 2016 installment of Doom. Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity.

    Which are you getting - Doom or Animal Crossing?

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    Poll Which are you getting - Doom or Animal Crossing? (184 votes)

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons 20%
    Doom Eternal 39%
    Both! 28%
    Neither 13%

    Only a few days until the big date, so which one are you planning on getting - Doom: New Horizons or Animal Crossing Eternal Doom Eternal or Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Personally, I already have Doomy Ternal preordered.

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    Wound up with a bit of a stupid windfall as I double-paid on my electric bill last month, so I broke my general rule about preordering and decided to buy Animal Crossing. It's Nintendo, so I feel fairly comfortable in saying I'll enjoy it.

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    In for both.

    Animal Crossing is not the kind of game I'll binge (maybe the first couple days just learning everything) but I want to get started on my town ASAP. I really liked Doom 2016 and am excited to rip and tear. I'm in an area where a lot of stuff is closed and the general advice is to stay indoors so I figure I'll have enough time to get through Doom by the end of March AND have an amazing Animal Crossing town.

    If I had to pick it would be Animal Crossing because I'll probably sink at least 50 hours (and possibly a whole lot more) into that game, plus it's going to be warm and comforting during difficult and scary times. Also it is the absolute perfect game to play for short bursts when I have insomnia so I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I expect to do a lot of late night/early morning fishing and other stuff. Super excited it's coming out. I hope it's got enough to do that I can play it off and on for the rest of the Switch's lifetime.

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    Neither at launch. I'll probably wind up getting Doom at some point for my SO and might try it out myself, but I'm not really that into the series and probably won't finish it. Every time I've tried to play Animal Crossing I've found it really dull and nothing about the new one looks like it's doing anything to change that for me so I'm staying far away.

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    I tried the demo for Doom 2016 and it didn't really hit for me, as cool as it sounds. Maybe one day I'll give these games another chance, but I'm not buying Doom Eternal day one at full price. I played Animal Crossing: New Leaf for a crazy long time, I'm excited about New Horizons. Terra forming and the improved creative tools look great!

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    DOOM was a no brainer for me two weeks ago. I've even been playing through the 2016 campaign on hard just for nostalgia and warm ups. But as a bartender expecting his business to experience a mandatory two-week or more shutdown any day now I can't in good conscious commit money to any video game. I will live vicariously through the folks with PTO in more than one way, but none more than DOOM / FF VII while I survive on deli sandwiches and sports games.

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    I’m not really a Nintendo guy and don’t own any of their systems so it’s not really much of a choice for me. Doom looks fun and I’m really ready for some A-to-B-to-C structured gameplay after all these open world games I’ve played recently.

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    I’m curious about AC, but not curious enough to push aside my love for Doom, so Eternal it is. Just five-ish more days...

    I’ll probably also try New Horizons eventually.

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    Buying Animal Crossing day 1, gonna wait 'til a birthday or something for Doom 2. As much as I love shooting demons with a shotgun, I need some positivity in my life right now.

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    I'm not really a fan of the farming sim/social sim game genre whatever Animal Crossing is considered. I'm all about that FPS action though. (FPS like Doom/Quake that is) Been excited for Doom Eternal ever since they announced a sequel to Doom 2016. I really wish they would have just called it Doom 4. This industry loves rebooting though.

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    Just predownloaded Animal Crossing, my first predownload, can't wait! My wife had to talk me down from getting a Switch and second copy, actually (it's been a chore trying to figure out the best way we can play together).

    I'm always interested and on the edge of picking up Doom 2016 but I haven't been able to make the jump yet, even at $15 sales.

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    I would love to get them both but I can't really do that at the moment...I was only able to pick one and I chose Animal Crossing. Doom 2016 was super good and I would love to play Eternal but I personally prefer games I can play for a really long time versus shorter experiences. I'm sure Eternal is way longer than 2016 but Animal Crossing has always been a game you can play for months so I had to pick it!

    Not only that but I loved New Leaf a ton and I've been waiting so long for a new Animal Crossing after the phone one was such a disappointment. Also, Doom is relaxing in it's own way but I really want to chill out with recent times being as they are, and Doom is more of a "badass top of the world" type chill vs "I'm pulling digital weeds and watering digital plants" chill lol. And I personally want the latter feeling right now.

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    My collector's edition is here on Saturday. I wanted the big dumb helmet.

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    #13  Edited By Justin258

    I love me some Doom 2016 so I'm definitely going to get Doom Eternal.

    Animal Crossing doesn't quite seem like my thing so I doubt I'll ever actually get it, but who knows?

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    Doom looks and sounds cool but I don't care for the setting and atmosphere much. So I won't be playing that one.

    Animal Crossing I still don't really get the point of it. I've watched some videos and parts of it seem appealing but it feels too much of a time sink for me to get into right now when I have so many other things I want to play. I'd rather play something like Minecraft and just build and harvest that way.

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    I already pre-loaded the new Animal Crossing. I've played those games on and off since 2004, and they're among my favourite games.

    I'll get Doom at some point. I should probably finish the 2016 Doom before I get the new one though. I enjoyed the 2016 one, I just fell off it because there were a million games out at the time that I wanted to play.

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    I'm good with Nioh 2 for now.

    Plus, the initial reviews for Doom Eternal read as surprisingly tepid. At least, as tepid as things get in an industry where the minimum score for a big release tends to hover around a 4/5. A pretty major "I had fun buuuuutttttt . . ." vibe going on in a lot of them.

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    I gotta be in the minority because I think both these games are not great. Animal Crossing has too many restrictions and not enough gameplay variety compared to Stardew Valley. Doom always looked boring too me even though a ton of people really liked it, so I'll probably skip this one too.

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    I am, like, really not into the idea of another Doom for some vague reason. And, strangely, I'm totally considering picking up my first Animal Crossing.


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    I picked up Doom Eternal and I'm just not feeling it atm. I recently restarted Doom2016 to refresh my memory and the new game lacks a lot of the story telling and charm of the 2016 game. I'm very very early on so that may change but the new game seems off in some way I can't put my finger on. More of a Quake vibe than Doom I guess, keycards just hovering in air instead of being pulled off a body, same for weapons so far. Seems to be a small issue but I notice it. I think I'll go back to the new Ori game and play Doom whenever.

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    Purchased both games at launch.

    Finally quit Doom Eternal, that game just isn't any fun. I made it to Nekravol on easiest difficulty, I guess easiest just isn't easy enough for me.

    I remember a noclip interview where Hugo Martin explains that Doom Eternal is hard, but if you die that you know exactly what you did wrong. That hasn't been my experience at all, and I end up having to replay most combat arenas a bunch of times until I get lucky and survive it. So, I finally gave up and uninstalled the game.

    Animal Crossing though, still love that game, though like Abby I think I've completed most of my "projects", so I'm probably slowing down on that game soon. But the rest of the family is still playing it a lot (and they played New Leaf for years), so I expect I'll be checking in with Animal Crossing a few times per week at least for a long time.

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    #21  Edited By Frag_Maniac

    @warpr said:

    Purchased both games at launch.

    Finally quit Doom Eternal, that game just isn't any fun. I made it to Nekravol on easiest difficulty, I guess easiest just isn't easy enough for me.

    That's not always the case. I played it through on Hurt Me Plenty first play through, which felt like one of the harder modes on 2016. There's a lot I know now that I didn't then which makes it a lot easier to play.

    I wasn't really glory killing enough, which refills Blood Punch, and BP is very powerful later in the game. I'm also using the meathook now to completely bypass some enemies, or get to things like totem buffs faster. Knowing which weapons to upgrade and master quickly helps a lot too.

    The below video may help show some tactics you've not tried. There are key places I could have made it easier on myself, like Blood Punching the Whiplash at 9:30 for an insta kill, instead of taking 3 devastating ground attacks from her 20 sec later. Or not having accidentally lobbed a 2nd frag at the first Doom Hunter, which resulted in taking lots of damage setting up the left side glory kill challenge on the 2nd one (but it's also because my freeze bomb missed him).

    The earlier part of the level has lots of places to get easy kills with the crusher traps and BFG though. Also, an easy way to experiment with tactics is just Mission Select travel to Exultia before taking on a tough mission, where there's an Extra Life 1-Up on a ledge under where you're standing at the start. You can keep reloading that spot in mission select and quickly farm as many Extra Lifes as you want.

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