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    Dying Light

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Jan 27, 2015

    Dying Light is a first-person, open world game set in a zombie apocalypse. The player character is able to free-run to get around the environment quickly.

    powteacrush's Dying Light (PC) review

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    Leeeeeroyyyy Jenkins!

    Honestly, I love this game and you really do have to do stupid things to learn different things. Just try not to die too much as it can hurt your survivor rank. I know some people complain that there is no weapon that last forever and they all break. However, later in the game, you learn new skills and by the time you level up the weapon you have is pointless forcing you to get new ones for your level. Like my title, when I see a crowd of zombies, I shout: LEEEERRROOOYYY JENKINS!!! This so fits the situation. Just have fun with the game and enjoy how unique and challenging this game is. Sometimes it gets frustrating but once you get it down and learn the nifty crafting skills, you're golden! I loved this game and it's one of my favorites so far.

    Other reviews for Dying Light (PC)

      Gameplay improvements can only go so far with a story this poor. 0

      Let’s be honest; Dead Island was one janky game. The ‘charm’ of said jankiness could only last for so long, and certainly its finale and memorably bad final boss was not worth slogging through the combat that consisted mainly of the player character waving their noodle arm all over the place. Obvious hesitation came when Dying Light was released, but word of the fun parkour and no goofy combat slowly sold me on making the purchase. The big question on my mind as the game played...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      A Fun but Flawed Game 0

      Dying Light is an open-world post-apocalyptic game, with a first-person perspective and parkour-like movement. You play as Kyle Crane, from Chicago, who is sort of an agent for the GRE (Global Relief Effort). You’re deployed in the city of Harran, where you have a mission, which is to recover stolen files from a man named Suleiman, files which he stole from the GRE after they refused to help his crippled brother be evacuated during the outbreak.When you’re deployed, you quickly learn...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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