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    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    Game » consists of 27 releases. Released Feb 19, 2013

    A fast-paced action game co-developed by PlatinumGames and Kojima Productions. It follows ninja-cyborg Raiden's activities four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

    pauljeremiah's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC) review

    Avatar image for pauljeremiah

    A Revolution in the Hands of a New Master

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    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance emerges from a turbulent development history like a cyborg ninja cutting through the chaos. Originally conceived as Metal Gear Solid: Rising under the aegis of Kojima Productions, the game transformed when handed over to PlatinumGames. The result? A frenetic, over-the-top action spectacle that stands as a significant departure from the Metal Gear series' traditional stealthy roots. While it might not fully embrace the philosophical musings of Hideo Kojima's works, Revengeance proves itself a sharp, stylish blade in the world of action gaming.

    Before delving into the game's content, it's crucial to explore its tumultuous path to release. Announced in 2009, Metal Gear Solid: Rising generated immense buzz with a tantalising trailer that showcased protagonist Raiden's sword-wielding prowess. However, as years passed, the game fell into development purgatory, plagued by shifting priorities and technical difficulties. This uncertainty eventually led to a transfer of development duties from Kojima Productions to PlatinumGames in 2011.

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    This transition was seismic for the project. Kojima Productions' vision was notably more grounded in the stealth-action genre, with an emphasis on precise slicing mechanics. PlatinumGames, on the other hand, brought their signature flair for high-octane, combo-driven gameplay, epitomised in titles like Bayonetta and Vanquish. The result was a radical shift in tone and gameplay, giving birth to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, a game that put stylish, exhilarating combat front and centre.

    Revengeance plunges players into a world where stealth takes a backseat to sword-swinging mayhem. The game's narrative, though peppered with political intrigue and musings on the consequences of war, feels lighter and less convoluted than traditional Metal Gear fare. It's a classic action movie setup: a lone hero, Raiden, must thwart a cybernetically enhanced terrorist group with global ambitions.

    While Raiden's transition from a tortured, secondary character in Metal Gear Solid 2 to a full-fledged, cybernetically enhanced protagonist in Revengeance might have raised some eyebrows initially, it quickly becomes apparent that he's an ideal fit for PlatinumGames' brand of stylish action. His katana-wielding skills and the game's "blade mode," which allows for precise slicing, are the central gameplay elements. The combat is a symphony of steel and sparks, as Raiden artfully dismembers foes in slow motion. It's a stark departure from Solid Snake's sneaking tactics, and that's precisely the point.

    What PlatinumGames brought to the table is an intricate and satisfying combat system. Raiden can execute a variety of attacks, combos, and parries, all with a fluidity that's emblematic of the studio's prowess. Enemies, particularly the robotic foes, require skilful management of Raiden's move set to overcome.

    The blade mode is the game's pièce de résistance. It allows players to enter a slow-motion state and precisely slice objects, enemies, and even individual body parts. This mechanic is as viscerally satisfying as it sounds and is used not just in combat but also for environmental interaction and puzzle-solving. Slicing through an enemy to reveal their cyborg skeleton before delivering a devastating final blow is immensely gratifying.

    While the gameplay is a breath of fresh air, the narrative sometimes struggles to keep up. The story, filled with political intrigue and moral dilemmas, touches on the classic Metal Gear themes but doesn't delve as deeply as its predecessors. It often feels like a backdrop to the action, with the game embracing its over-the-top nature rather than the intricate, conspiracy-laden storytelling fans had come to expect.

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    This is not necessarily a bad thing. Revengeance manages to strike a balance, offering enough substance to keep players engaged while prioritising the adrenaline-pumping action. Still, it's worth noting that those who cherished the intricate narratives of previous Metal Gear titles may find the story somewhat lacking.

    Visually, Revengeance maintains the high standards of the Metal Gear series. The character designs, particularly Raiden's sleek and formidable cyborg appearance, are striking. Environments are detailed, with a mix of futuristic settings and gritty, war-torn landscapes. The game runs at a smooth frame rate, crucial for maintaining the flow of its frenetic combat.

    A standout feature is the soundtrack, which retains the series' penchant for memorable music. The rock-infused tunes are a perfect accompaniment to the fast-paced action, driving the intensity to new heights. The audio design overall is excellent, with voice acting that captures the essence of each character, though it occasionally veers into melodrama.

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a testament to the transformative power of shifting creative direction mid-development. What began as a troubled project emerged as a thrilling and stylish action game under PlatinumGames' guidance. While it may not embrace the philosophical depths of Hideo Kojima's works or the traditional stealth elements of the Metal Gear series, it carves its path in the annals of gaming history.

    Raiden's acrobatic combat prowess and the precision of blade mode make for an exhilarating experience. The narrative, while not as dense as some might expect from the Metal Gear franchise, provides a suitable backdrop for the game's over-the-top action.

    Revengeance is a reminder that change, even in the realm of beloved franchises, can breathe new life and excitement into a series. For fans of stylish action and those looking for a departure from the norm in the Metal Gear universe, Raiden's cybernetic blade awaits. It's not a Metal Gear Solid title in the traditional sense, but it's a remarkable entry in the series nonetheless.

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