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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Blog fodder that I would like to write about before the end of the year.

With the laptop capable of playing games arriving at some point in the near future, I might as well catalog all the games that I'd like to finish before the end of 2011, so that I may blog about them and thus be able to say snarky things about them to my peers. This list is probably more for me than anyone else, but I figure that some democracy in helping me prioritize my choices certainly couldn't hurt.

Keep in mind that actual game releases of 2011 won't be included. Guess what: Skyrim is going to be played regardless of whatever old game I'd like to blog about. Same probably goes for Human Revolution and whatever other fall-holiday 2011 games I would feel like playing.

List items

  • At this point the white whale of Infinity Engine for me. Despite finishing and loving the first, the second one has yet to draw me in the same way. That, and I'd have to restart it if I tried again.

  • CRPG? Check. Made by Europeans? Check. Contains a byzantine ruleset that is the regional equivalent of D&D? Check. Is in my steam library? Check.

  • Yes. This game is still on my shelf. It's certainly a JRPG esque JRPG, albeit one with occasionally punishing difficulty.

  • It's an old school RPG. That alone should qualify it, even if the structure of the game itself remains a mystery.

  • Well, yeah. Of course I am going to play this and write a blog about it. Why wouldn't I?

  • Despite having every game in the series in my steam library, I have yet to play any of them, thus leading to the question: Can these games even be finished?

  • In my steam library. Not necessarily blog fodder, but we'll see what happens once my computer arrives.

  • Well, duh. Of course I have to see how Troika's final game pans out. Hopefully, the "This game is broken in some very specific ways" part won't be enough of a handicap to hinder completion.

  • With the complete mod installed, obviously. Otherwise, it's an open-world pseudo RPG shooter type thing that I have enjoyed from the few hours that I have messed with it. Good hunting Stalker.

  • Once again, something that I feel like I should play for no other reason than that I should.

  • Technically, this is cheating. But EYE seems like amazing blog fodder to me, with it's overt frenchness and general incomprehensibility. It also helps that it might be an enjoyable game underneath all of that.

  • It's the Lost Vikings for a whole new generation?

  • Dude, it's like heroes. While I technically am way farther in KB: The Legend, I would need to get my save file for that or start a new game, neither of which sounds especially appealing.