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2011 Top 10 GOTY and Honrable Mentions

2011 was a pretty good year for video games, and I'm proud to make a list giving my top ten for those who happen to come across it. There are some games that didn't make the list, but will get an honorable mention, so be sure to check these games out too:

  • Renegade Ops - If you like old school dual-joystick shooters, this game does it better than most these days.
  • Portal 2 - I'm sure this game is as great as other have said, having played the original Portal, and it probably would have been on my list, had I played it. But since I never got around to it, it'll just be an honorable mention.
  • Driver: San Francisco - Using the ridicules concept of body jumping, the Driver franchise made a comeback afters years of horrible games and ripoffs. This game is a blast to play and the crazy story is actually good, once you get into it.
  • Sonic Generations: It was a year of game franchise comebacks and evolutions. It seems like after decades of pointless games and concepts, Sega has finally produced a decent Sonic game by going back to its roots of success. The story even pokes fun at all the crappy ideas used in their past games. Lets hope this is the beginning of the Sonic games finally returning to the greatness of yesteryear.
  • Battlefield 3: EA bragged this game would be the Modern Warfare killer. Well it's not that, but it is a nice evolution of the series.

List items

  • For anyone who thinks a sports game can't be number one, hasn't played NBA 2k12. Simply put, not only is it the most fun basketball game since Double Dribble for the NES, it's also the best modern sports game simulation ever made so far. The people at 2K Sports seem to know the importance of yearly updates actually improving the overall game franchise.

  • This game series really came into its own this year. Originally seen as a clone of GTA:San Andreas, Saints Row the Third now stands beside and in some cases even surpasses the GTA Series. Unlike most open world games that have set moments, Saints Row the Third has moment, after moment, after moment. The game is just pure fun and a treat to play through, which is what all video games should strive to be.

  • The Witcher 2 is a great fantasy RPG for the more mature minded. It has a great story, great character interactions, and great gameplay once you get use to how the combat works. It takes the modern PC based RPGs to the next level in terms of graphics and sound.

  • Batman Arkham City is a great sequel to Arkham Asylum. It opens up the gameplay from the original game in many ways. Better combat with more moves to master. More gadgets to use against foes, the graphics are top-notch and the story was pretty good with lots of cameo appearances for fans. The game leaves you a lot to do once you finished the story. Sadly this is one of the game's setbacks. The collecting parts aren't as good as in Arkham Asylum. Instead of being fun, they feel tedious and like work, almost like Assassins Creed. If they did a better job with the collecting, this game could have been number 1.

  • This was an epic sequel. Everything that made the first Dead Space good, gets expanded in this version. You get a more in-depth look at Issac the main character. While most games that make the silent protagonist suddenly have a personality usually don't work, they nailed it in this game. The graphics and sound design are great, and the gameplay is more fun than in the original.

  • I never played an Elder Scrolls game, but I did play both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I really enjoyed those games, and since those games used the engine first used in Elder Scrolls, why not play the latest sequel to it. Turns out my decision was the right one, because this game makes both Fallout 3 and New Vegas look like tech demos. This game's world and the things you can do in it are ridicules. You can spends hundreds of hours playing, without touching the main story quest. That's because there are a lot of things going on in the world, you can get caught up in all kinds of scenarios, outside the linear path. The graphics and sound are also excellent. Sadly, many of the issues that these type of games have, are still present in this one.

  • Don't assume that the Giant Bomb crew are praising Baston, because they want to support their friend who worked on the game. While that maybe the case, I played Bastion, and they're right, it's a great game. A lot has been made about the clever western like narration. However, none of that would have mattered if the gameplay didn't hold up. The game has great action with weapons that are all fun to use and customize to your liking. The way the level opens up as you move forward is suspenseful in a way, especially with the guy telling the story as it happens. Bastion proves you don't need millions on top of millions to make a great, innovative, game.

  • This game is just awesome. The realistic facial animations using real actors, is something I will never forget. I believe they should use the tech in a lot of future games. The story is well told and the interrogations scenes are epic. The voice acting is really strong and on time in most cases. (literally)

  • A very well done follow up to the original game. Deus Ex: Human Revolution tells a great story, with excellent gameplay to match. The world this game takes place in is very well designed and the graphics are mostly good. The only setback was the interaction animations, which I thought were poorly done. This doesn't stop the story however, thanks to the strong voice acting.

  • This makes my number 10 spot because of the single player, more so than the multi-player. The game's story which began in the original Modern Warfare is wrapped up in satisfying fashion. The game is known for its great scripted moments, and this game has a lot of excellent ones. The fighting through the desert sandstorm was one of my favorites. The multi-player however, is more of the same and I still think they did it perfect in the original Modern Warfare.