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Best of 2009

AV_Gamer: Best of 2009

List items

  • Simply put, Arkham Asylum is the best Super Hero Game ever made so far. I've played plenty of other theme games, but BAA is the first epically done game based on a famous Comic Book Series.

  • Modern Warfare 2 takes everything that made the first game epic and pumped it with performance enhancing drugs. The Single Player alone makes the list, but the improved multi-player, plus a cool arcade mode called Spec-Ops really gives players their moneys worth.

  • Left 4 Dead 2 really is the game Valve wanted to make in the first place. People should just look at the first game as a prototype. L4D 2 expands on everything that made the first game a hit. More Special Infected, new (but still cool) characters to play. Better settings and scenarios make it a great sequel. People questioned when this game came out a year after the first. I guess people forgot Valve prides themselves on making quality games.

  • Prototype is just a plain fun arcade type of game. You're given an excuse go crazy in a well made active city. The story is decent enough to keep you interested. The graphics and sound quality are top notch. Unfortunately this game came out the same time Infamous did, starting a debate between the two.

  • Resident Evil 5 was a great closer to the series storyline as we know it. The gameplay was kind of outdated compared to other games that used the over-the-shoulder engine to great effect. However, it's the overall experience that makes RE5 a contender on my list.

  • Since most list don't have a sports title on it, I thought I might be one of the few to add one. Make no mistake NBA 2K10 deserves to be on this list. It's simply the best simulated Basketball available. This combined with the new features, like the "NBA Today" feature which has the game keep up with the actual basketball season happening right now. All the way down to updating the rosters depending on team and player progression. Not to mention this game has the most realistic player models in any video game sports title.

  • Sick and tired of waiting for Diablo III? Well the makers of Torchlight obviously were. So they made their own version of Diablo III and they did a damn good job. Torchlight should be in any gamers collection, even after Diablo III comes out.

  • The first game had great promise, but repetitive missions, crappy flag collecting, and a disappointing ending made fans doubt rather the sequel would be any good. Well, the developers heard the complains and made a sequel that tops the first game in every way. Better graphics, better story, better main protagonist, equal better game.

  • I'm mostly not into the slow burn kind of RPG's but Dragon Age Origins is the rare exception to the rule. The game has a surprisingly epic story that changes depending on your choices. The gameplay interface is top-notch on the PC and makes the gameplay fun, instead of a chore. Bioware continues to make a case for being one of the top RPG makers in gaming today.