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The Batman Archetype

Alongside Superman, Batman is one of the oldest, most iconic, and most parodied, Superheroes of all time.

Aspects of the Batman Archetype are as follows:

  • Street-Level Superhero who lacks any superpowers
  • Wealthy
  • Orphan or some other tragic/traumatic backstory
  • Arsenal of gadgets and gizmos, especially ones kept in a utility belt
  • Expert martial artist / hand-to-hand combatant
  • Highly intelligent, especially in regards to criminology / being a detective
  • Stealth expert
  • Dark colored costume with a cape and mask. Black, gray, blue, and purple are common colors. Sometimes armored.
  • Motifs revolving around either animals (preferably winged and/or nocturnal ones), or just darkness/shadows in general.
  • Solitary and paranoid
  • Code against killing and / or using guns
  • Operates in a city with high crime rates and/or a corrupt/incompetent police force.
  • Has a loyal butler
  • Has a young sidekick (or more than one!)
  • Has an ally in the police
  • Has their own super-car
  • Has a secret lair filled with trophies and mementos
  • Romantic relationship with one or more of their enemies
  • Arch-enemy is of the "Joker Archetype", IE an irredeemable, homicidal, (and often clown-themed), sadist who challenges/pushes/tempts the hero to break their code against killing (if they have one).

Please note that characters can and do fit this archetype without checking off every single item on the above list.

List items

  • Duh

  • Batman Beyond

  • A Batman from even further to the future than Batman Beyond, as well as a sort of clone of the original.

  • Batman of the far, far, FAR future.

  • Evil version from Earth -1 in the Dark Multiverse, representing Batman fused with Doomsday.

  • Evil version from Earth -11 in the Dark Multiverse, representing a female Batman fused with Aquaman. And yes, it's really weird, but there it is.

  • Evil version from Earth -12 in the Dark Multiverse, a Batman who became the new god of war after killing Ares and taking his helmet.

  • Evil version from Earth -22 in the Dark Multiverse, representing Batman fused with the Joker.

  • Evil version from Earth -32 in the Dark Multiverse, being a Green Lantern Batman gone wrong.

  • Evil version from Earth -44 in the Dark Multiverse, being a mechanized (and crazy) Batman.

  • Evil version from Earth -52 in the Dark Multiverse, representing Batman fused with The Flash...but evil.

  • Descendant of Batman's in an Elseworld's timeline who operates as a female version.

  • Batman's greatest lady-love, she took over in his role as Gotham's costumed protector with a secret lair and butler (or maid in her case), in the TERRIBLE Elseworlds story "Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham".

    Even aside from that admitted dud though, one could make the case that Selina has characteristics in common with Batman in general, in that both are orphans who became dark-clad, animal-themed protectors of Gotham who prefer to operate at night.

  • As Batgirl, she is the most prominent and famous female version.

  • She was Batgirl

  • She was briefly Batgirl, and even apart from that functions as a very Batman-esque crimefighter. There's also the fact that the Helena Wayne Huntress is Batman's daughter.

  • The female version BESIDES the Batgirls.

  • Somewhat infamously succeeded Bruce Wayne as Batman in the story "Knightfall".

  • He has been Batman in some continuities (including mainstream canon for a time), and even as Nightwing is still very Batman-esque.

  • He has been Batman at different points / in different universes. And even as Red Hood (and especially as Arkham Knight), he effectively serves as an "Anti-Batman".

  • Also been Batman! Specifically, the Titans of Tomorrow timeline (though he eventually took on his own alias in "The Savior"). New Earth version also briefly wore a Batman suit in the Battle for the Cowl event.

  • Batman's son by Talia, who in at least one alternate timeline (plus an episode of the Brave and the Bold cartoon), grows up to become a new Batman.

    And yes, this means all of Batman's main Robins have ALSO held the Batman mantle at least once each at this point. Can't stay a Boy Wonder forever, after all.

  • A world where the father becomes the son

  • One of many, many, MANY evil Batmen. In this case, the word order's been switched around.

  • He "World's Worst Detective"!

  • Generally considered the original evil Batman, and definitely still one of the best.

  • Another evil Batman, one who fights the Justice League instead of helping to lead them. Also has the twist that he witnessed his criminal parents be gunned down by police in what is a clear inverse of Batman's origin.

  • Another evil Batman analogue, in this case the purposefully incompetent and lame version.

  • And here's the other lame evil Batman (although some writers have tried to make him cooler).

  • One of the more obscure evil Batmen, though there's actually been several to use the alias.

  • Dark colors, cape, utility belt, tons of gadgets, connection to Robin...I think he counts, personally.

  • Martial arts master, expert strategist and tactician, wealthy background, loyal butler ally*, vast arsenal of gear...


  • Not to the extent as Deathstroke, but Deadshot still can count. Like Batman, he comes from an affluent background and has no superpowers. But in contrast to Batman, whose parents were loving, Deadshot's were abusive, and it is the death of his dead brother that motivates him instead. Also the obvious contrast of Deadshot specializing in guns versus Batman's code against using them.

  • In the Pre-Crisis continuity. To wit, not only was Green Arrow a non-superpowered rich guy (which he still is), but in Pre-Crisis he ALSO had an Arrow-Car, an Arrow-Plane, an Arrow-Cave, and even an ARROW-SIGNAL. I kid you not.

    So yes, in the Pre-Crisis era, Green Arrow was about as shameless of a Batman clone as they come.

  • In the Elseworlds story "Speeding Bullets", Kal-El's shuttle crash-lands in Gotham and he's raised by the Waynes, causing him to become his world's Batman after the Waynes are murdered.

  • One half Batman, despite the name.

  • Was briefly (and bizarrely) made Batman in the comics. Can't claim to love the direction they went in, but even so, it means he counts.

  • One half of Watchmen's analogue to Batman, though also analogous to Ted Kord Blue Beetle. But then, he is himself quite similar to Batman...

  • The other half of Watchmen's analogue to Batman, and in his case also equivalent to...

  • ...this guy, who is another paranoid detective hero without superpowers.

  • Generally considered one of Batman's literary ancestors / spiritual predecessors. In fact, in some continuities, Holmes was one of the folks who taught Batman what he knows!

  • Batman's OTHER main spiritual predecessor, and an acknowledged inspiration for him in-universe and out.

  • One of many old pulp heroes to have things in common with Batman. Phantom actually came first though, predating Batman by three years. He's even older than Superman!

  • And here's another one. Also came out before Batman himself (and the same year as The Phantom no less!)

  • He's Batman in an Elseworlds story, believe it or not.

  • The Squadron Supreme's Batman, though it's worth mentioning that Earth-616 has it's own Nighthawk too.

  • Arguably Marvel's most famous (or infamous, depending on how you look at it), parodies of Batman.

  • Horned mask, martial arts expert, dark and brooding anti-hero, battles a lot of mundane crime alongside supervillainy, arch-enemy is a pure evil psycho who throws playing cards...

    ...I don't know, it sure seems to me like Daredevil's got some Batman in him. Not to mention both were given some of their most iconic tales by Frank Millar in the 80s.

  • He's got the animal motif, he's got the dark costume that is often armored and/or has a cape, he's got the wealth, he's got the martial arts skills, he's got the intellect...

  • AKA, the version of Spider-Man who is more like Batman (and not to mention that Spidey already has some things in common with Batman to begin with!)

  • Although in all honesty, the TV version takes as much after Black Panther as Batman, while the comic version is really more Bizarro than Batman, what with his being a dim-witted but violent clone of the Superman analogue after all. Even so, it's clear they intended Black Noir to be the Seven's Batman equivalent, so here he is.

  • In his MK Vs. DCU ending, he basically turns himself into the Batman of his world...which is honestly kind of awesome. I'd be up for a comic about that.

  • As the "Night Watcher" in the 2007 Turtles movie, he kind of has a bit of a Batman feel to him.

  • While mostly a parody of Aquaman (as his costume makes clear), he also has elements of the Adam West Batman sprinkled in as well.

  • As I mentioned in my "Superman Archetype" list, Crimson Chin has elements of Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man. His city has elements of the version of Gotham seen in the Adam West Batman show, and he also has a secret lair just outside the city, just like Batman's Batcave. His enemy Spatula Woman is also an analogue to Catwoman, and his sidekick Cleft an obvious parody of Robin.

  • While obviously taking much more after Superman than Batman, his TV show and sidekick Fallout Boy show he's still got a bit of Adam West Batman in him as well (you might be noticing by now that cartoons really like doing parodies of superheroes that have a bit of Adam West Batman in them!)

  • As "Bartman", to the point that one Simpsons episode even did a whole segment that parodies Batman wholesale.

  • As "Pie-Man", though that episode also spoofs the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films to a degree.

  • Well, the closest thing MHA has to a Batman figure at any rate.

  • I myself consider him more a blend of Venom and Ghost Rider with a touch of Blade and Dr. Strange, but I guess you can think of him as a Batman figure too (though a way more murderous one).