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Best of 2010

After playing so many damn games, it's really difficult to narrow them down to the ten best, but here's my best attempt.
Ten really isn't enough, so here's another ten games that I feel deserve a mention, but I can't find a place to squeeze them in on my list:

  • Darksiders - Best Legend of Zelda clone of 2010.
  • Super Street Fighter IV - I'm not much of a fighting game fan, but I really love this game...I just wish I was better at it.
  • Blur - A great game that was the victim of bad marketing and a worse release date. Hopefully the guys from Bizarre Creations end up somewhere that they can continue to produce quality games like this one.
  • Dead Rising 2 - It's everything you loved about the original...and also most of the stuff you didn't like.
  • Bioshock 2 - It's not breaking new ground like its predecessor, but this is a way better game than most people give it credit for being.
  • Fallout: New Vegas - If this game hadn't shipped with so many technical issues, it probably would've been in my top ten.
  • Pac-Man CE DX - Somehow manages to be even crazier than Pac-Man CE.
  • VVVVVV - Not as epic as Super Meat Boy, but it's still a great 2D platformer.
  • Digital: A Love Story - The most unique game I've played in an extremely long time. Commit telephone fraud, uncover the secrets of the internet, and HACK THE GIBSON!!
  • Starcraft II - Considering that I don't even like RTS games and yet I still got pulled deep into this game is a testament to just how high quality it is. Few games ever approach this level of production value and polish.

List items

  • The original Mass Effect was an instant classic, delivering an epic story in an incredibly fleshed out universe along with some of the best dialog and morality systems ever seen. It was THE reason to own a 360.

    The fact that Mass Effect 2 makes it look like crap speaks volumes to just how much Bioware managed to up the ante. All the fat of the first game has been removed, leaving us with a giant chunk of prime cut action RPG filet.

    Sure, I hated the final boss (...I mean WTF was up with that Bioware), but it wasn't enough to detract from Shepard and company's amazing suicide mission thrill ride.

    If Mass Effect 3 comes anywhere near this level of quality, then I can probably tell you right now what my GotY will be in 2011.

  • Sergio Leone should be proud. This game distills the essence of classic western films such as his into one of the most atmospheric and well constructed sandbox games ever produced. The basic gameplay is a pretty natural evolution of what Rockstar delivered with GTA4 just removed from grimy urban environs and placed in an even grimier wild west. John Marston is what really makes the game shine. While the quality of the narrative and missions vary, John Marston is consistently entertaining. He's definitely one of the best characters Rockstar has ever crafted. Top it off with one of the most amazing endings that I've ever experienced (one that few developers would even have the balls to attempt), and you've got one of 2010's best.

  • If I let myself, I would probably never stop playing this game. Combining the best parts of Civ IV with some streamlining and interface improvements inspired by Civ Rev has produced both one of the best and most approachable experiences in the series. Sure, you can still obsess over positioning a city in the perfect place to maximize gold production, but overall this game just feels far less overwhelming than Civ IV could at times. The hex grid doesn't end up affecting the gameplay all that much in my opinion, but it does wonders for making the maps more aesthetically pleasing by getting rid of all of the unnatural 90 degree angles. By far the biggest revelation is how much restricting the player to one unit per space simplifies and improves the gameplay. No longer do you have to deal with stalemates where you constantly march panzer tanks into a death stack of archers until the game ends.

  • This game has one foot firmly rooted in the past and the other foot up your ass. Tight controls, simple addictive gameplay, and heaps of personality and polish make this one of the best indie productions ever released.