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E3 2010: The Hotness

Here it is! My most anticipated stuff coming out of E3 2010.

List items

  • Even without the 3D element, I would probably be anticipating the hell out of this. The 3D is just the icing on the cake.

  • All I really wanted was more Portal and more GLADOS, but Valve appears to be upping the crazy a lot though with the integration of elements from the indie hit Tag: The Power of Paint.

  • The first game was one of last year's best. All the impressions I've heard coming out of E3 make it sound like this sequel expands and improves everything that made the original great.

  • Dude! It's Civilization. It's the only game you really need.

  • Kirby's Canvas Curse is one of the most underrated DS games out there. I'm glad to see the pink amorphous blob finally getting his due on the Wii, especially in such a highly stylized way.

  • It's more Fallout 3, and that's all I really want it to be.

  • I wasn't thrilled by the gameplay demo at EA's press conference, but I played 100 hours of Burnout Paradise so I think I'm obligated to have this on the list.

  • Dead Space didn't really do a lot of new stuff, but it was so refined and well paced that it didn't matter. I'm definitely looking forward to more.

  • I've got a lot of fond memories of playing this back when I was in third grade, and I can't wait to see Retro Studios new take on that old school gameplay.

  • I'm a huge fan of the graphic novels and this game appears to perfectly capture the spirit of that series.