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Best Giant Hands

Man, that Datura QL sure was something, right? "No, not really"? Suit yourselves.

List items

  • As depicted in the QL, everything in this game appears to be controlled by a scary disembodied hand.

  • Master Hand was probably the first thing you guys thought of, right? Unless you're more into Crazy Hand. It's okay, I don't judge.

  • The Fallen Arm area of Xenoblade is, like much of the rest of the geography, part of a giant monster. The Hidden Village of the Machina is cosily resting in the giant hand's palm.

  • So most of the rest of this list are giant hand bosses. Cool? Turrican's giant metal fist robot is probably one example where a boss's fame outshines that of the game it features in.

  • "Only I have the giant ape paws to rule Lylat!"

  • Wham Bam Rock sure is a racially-insensitive giant hand boss.

  • This guy's a little terrifying at first, mostly because he's a giant cycloptic horror that lives in an endless void, but then you realise you're fighting a bongo player and the tension all but vanishes. The day I get spooked by a giant zombie Matthew McConaughey is the day I pack it all in and throw myself off a bridge.

  • Zelda's other big annoying limb-related enemy are these things. Along with their more upwardly mobile Floor Master brethren, these things like to grab you and deposit you at the start of dungeons. Jerks.

  • Thing might not be giant, but he's still a handy little guy to have around. I should've just said he's a practical little guy. Always with the goddamn puns.

  • I... I don't want to talk about Glover too much. I will say that, unlike the rest of the hands on this list, he at least has enough decorum to wear clothes.