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Every SNES Game Strong Bad Has Mumbled About In His Sleep

I'm just going to get more and more esoteric for these lists. No-one's stopping me. I feel like those teens during the riots, only with making crazy list ideas a reality instead of looting BlackBerries.

Also should start updating again.

List items

  • Sbemail #54 - morning routine. Strong Bad's morning routine features him mumbling about SNES games before waking up off the couch. He also keeps eggs in there.

  • Sbemail #111 - other days. In an easter egg, we see Strong Bad being torn from his Epoch-riding adventures through time for some demeaning swim practice. Man, is that relatable.

  • "Li'l Brudder Show". Strong Bad sleeps through the Rorie-bait animated adventures of "Li'l Brudder", a crippled puppy Strong Bad himself invented to get Homestar crying like an idiot. Like a certain intern, it's likely SB crashed and burned on ActRaiser's final boss too.

  • Sbemail #150*. In this special "I'll get it done eventually, jeez" episode of Strong Bad emails, Strong Bad refuses to go through with a milestone email and sleeps through Strong Sad's Indie movie pitch, preferring to drift off into the world of glorious Mode 7 skydiving.

  • Sbemail #171 - underlings. In another easter egg, Strong Bad sleeps through another TV adaptation of an idea he had, dreaming of those puzzle-solving Norsemen.

  • "Jibblies 2". Strong Bad awakes from the incapacitating jibblies, murmuring something about the Super Scope peripheral's pack-in game before regaining his senses.