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Potential Batman Villains

It's pretty easy to turn any video game character into a Batman villain. All you need is a pseudo-scientific reason why they look the way they do, then add a smattering of psychoses and Bob Kane's your uncle.

List items

  • Real Name: Mario Maroni<br>


    History: Mario was originally a law-abiding plumber from Gotham's East Side, and a keen mycologist. As a distant relative of the notorious Maroni family, however, his family was targeted and killed by the rival Falcones. Driven insane by the ordeal, Mario used his mycology knowhow to cultivate some special mushrooms that boosted his strength and endurance. While responding to a noise complaint from a nearby resident, the police discovered him standing over half a dozen Falcone thugs, their heads apparently violently smashed in by Mario's boots. As he was dragged off, Mario screamed he'd be back for "the rest of the goombas". He is currently being closely monitored in Arkham Asylum.

  • Real Name: Linwood Kaczmarek<br>


    History: Link was a Gotham street urchin and mechanical genius who kept his adopted brothers and sisters fed by raiding the trash for mechanical parts and using them to craft fine pocket watches, sold to wealthy Gothamites. Called the "Hero of Time" by his grateful companions, he was unable to prevent several of them dying in the crossfire of a major gang battle outside the building in which they were squatting. Dedicating himself to eradicating the gangs of Gotham with a familiar form of gadget-based vigilantism, he's encountered the Dark Knight on several occasions. Though working towards the same purpose, Batman does not approve of Link's excessively violent "swords and bombs" approach and has sworn to bring him down.

  • Real Name: Cray Toast<br>


    History: A rough ex-con working in Maxie Zeus' nightclub as a bodyguard, Kratos found himself blackmailed into performing tasks for his employer to avoid being sent to Blackgate Prison. Working on intimidation, he uses a combination of extreme violence and body paint to either eliminate or scare off Zeus' many enemies. It's rumored he plans to do away with his manipulative boss as soon as the opportunity arises.

  • Real Name: Dr. Edmund Mule<br>


    History: Dr Mule was a behavioural scientist working in an illegal laboratory that immorally experimented on apes, which was attacked and closed down by Batman and the Gotham City Police Department. Unfortunately, during the fray he was knocked into a stack of barrels and accidentally doused with an experimental chemical created from the genes of the test subject simians. Now resembling a large gorilla, he has sworn to smack Batman with one of the very same barrels that ruined his life.

  • Real Name: Nathaniel Kirby III<br>


    History: As one of Gotham's cultural elite, Nathaniel used his well-read background and love of cuisine to become Gotham's most prestigious (and snobby) gourmet critic. After a particularly negative review that lead to health inspectors closing down one of the legitimate enterprises the Penguin had invested heavily in, Kirby found himself imperilled by the squat criminal entrepreneur. Unknowingly fed food that contained a radioactive additive meant to kill him, it instead changed his body into a hideously bloated and deformed pink ball. Now able to voraciously consume everything in his vicinity with a powerful vacuum, the now completely insane Kirby is one of Gotham's most dangerous and unpredictable criminals, having indiscriminately killed hundreds in his mad hunger.

  • Real Name: Professor Soni Chandar<br>


    History: A talented physicist employed by Waynetech, Professor Chandar was working on a method of producing fast, cheap and environmentally friendly propulsion that might one day replace the internal combustion engine. However, after being locked in the test chamber moments before an automated test, he was transformed into an exceptionally fast blue creature. Blaming Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne for the lax safety protocols that led to the incident, he has used his alacrity to perform a series of robberies to fund his own competing speed technology.