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Top 10 Games Played in 2023

Keeping myself limited to just 10 games that I played in the year 2023, and had a good experience with.

List items

  • An updated version of Risk of Rain 1 with better looking sprites and an overall better feeling game? Sign me right up!

  • Still a fantastic game. Gotta keep it at 100% whenever new DLC drops that adds achievements to the game.

  • We do all things for the glory of the almighty profit!

  • It's a world of pure assassination. Freelancer mode was a fantastic implementation for this game!

  • I love games that you can blow shit up. This game fulfills that wish in spades.

  • A newer take on the Rampage game format? Hell yes!

  • A better version of Among Us. Hated the broken first time log-in. Need to try it out some more to see how it really goes as there's just so much in it compared to Among Us that it can be kind of overwhelming setting games up.

  • I really need to get back to playing more of this game at some point. It was good for what I had played, just not enough to fully grasp everything.

  • I played more of this game than Hogwarts Legacy and it still ranks below that game.

  • I was thinking of adding CoD Warzone on here due to playability it has with friends, but then I realized I can play this game with those same friends and have a much better time with it. Still some wonky things with this game that pop up from time to time, but you can still have a blast.