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Games I been completing and stuff in this year of 2014s.

Like that other list, only this is for the games I actually finish, or at least have invested enough time where I feel like I've played all I need to. This may also include games that I didn't necessarily buy in 2014, but still completed, or perhaps revisited as I am wont to do!

List items

  • 3/5

    Not bad overall, but yo it's more God of War, only Kratos has now been removed of what was his one defining characteristic and barely even talks. Has a truly memorable ending set-piece, though, and while the game overall feels a little more... spotty than its predecessors, it probably has the best combat in the series. Multiplayer is also pretty fun, if crazy chaotic.

  • 4/5

    Well, its 'Normal' mode at least. But even still, it's been fun enough that I've already started up playing through its Nightmare mode at that. Upped the difficulty from Hard to Master I, and it's been hitting the sweet spot of feeling like a decent challenge without too many hiccups. Though fuck the enemies that can drop lasers and shit.

    Story's pretty damn weak, especially nearing the end, with the ending itself resembling something from a bygone era in how its presented. But, hey, that tends to be the case with games like these, usually only offering tales that are serviceable at best. The other flaw that is a bit tougher to swallow, however, is the lack of customisation.

    The completely linear path of unlocking stuff, and the lack of any skill point inputs, defeats a lot of the appeal of actually leveling up sometimes. The modifier runes are also a neat touch, but I'd generally prefer that I could insert points in my current skills, especially now that even at level 37, I feel that my character is already specced out skills wise how I want. But besides that, the high production values and addictive combat made it a treat to hack n slash my way through its noticeably lengthy adventure, most particularly in coop. Though I do still totally have a single-player playthrough going, too. Er, well actually I have about 5 of 'em >_> I have this weird habit of continually creating new characters whenever given the choice for some odd reason.

  • *revisit* 5/5

    Even though I haven't watched any of GB's Souls LP's, all of renewed interest in these games pushed me over the edge in giving Demon's Souls another playthrough. And, hey, this game is still pretty damn good.

    I think overall I still prefer Demon's over Dark as well, primarily for the much gloomier atmosphere and the more accessible Nexus HUB over the more open-world-ish design of Dark Souls. The world tendency stuff is still pretty bullshit, especially now where you basically hafta keep killing yourself in an area over and over again to get some black tendency. Camera can be a total motherfuck, especially in 5-1. But otherwise, it's still really enjoyable, even if it's not quite as engaging since I've already completed this so many times now. Man Eater is still a nob'ed. The Nexus still has that warm feeling like it's sort of my home away from home.

    ''Do come back alive... I need ya business.''

  • 5/5

    Yeah, I... never actually completed Dark Souls when it was first released. I got up to Gwyn, but I just couldn't beat the fucker. He's so damn fast and could kill me in like 2 seconds, and having to run past all of the dark knights to try again was such a chore.

    The battle would unfold so fast that it felt like I wasn't even learning anything.

    Anywhoo I at first decided to create a new character to get my bearings again, then I headed back to my main character and, after many, many attempts, finally beat him. My character was primarily a STR/MIR build, and I was equipped in full Havel gear and would use +5 Divine Crescent Axe with this big black shield. That and with a fire resistance ring, I was now able to keep his attacks at bay, by blocking then quickly letting go to charge some stamina and blocking right after, and then usually hitting him twice with my axe once he'd finish his regular 4-slash combo. It'd do about 500 or so damage per 2 hits and would a make him flinch, which also gave me an opportunity to down an estus flask.

    I went through a lot of frustration during my many attempts, but it at least managed to make my eventual victory all the sweeter.

  • 10/5

  • 5/5

  • 4/5

  • 4/5

  • 4/5

  • HD Version. 4/5

  • 3/5

  • *revisit* 4/5

  • 4/5

  • *Revisit* 2/5

  • *revisit* 1/5

  • *3DS Version* 4/5

  • 4/5

  • *3DS version* 3/5

  • *revisit* 5/5

  • *revisit* 3/5

  • *revisit* 4/5

  • 2/5