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Games I've spent over 100 hours on.

Games are a varied lot. So many genres, mechanics, styles and their overall asking playtime make up for a shit load of variables. Some games can be downright awful and ones you wouldn't even want to make eye 2 case contact with. There are some can give you a quick adrenaline burst of around 8-12 hours, while some can stretch to a well paced 50-100. Those quick adrenaline burst, though, may bring you back for another run to experience that same excitement. Then there's the replay value most games will offer, and all in all, there are a lot of games out there that have the potential to take up months, years and even decades of your time.

Here I've decided to put up a list, in no particular order, of games for a multitude of reasons I have spent at least 100 hours enjoying myself with.

List items

  • What a tweest!! Yeah, I used to play WoW back in like 2006, when it actually took around 4-8 months to reach level 60. I'd still be playing it now if I could afford it, and would surely have tripled my playtime by now. But as it stands, I still spent well over maybe 400 hours in this deservingly popular game.

  • Man oh man... I fucking love this game! I played it when it was brand new, when I was only about 10 my self.. Back then games didn't need replay value for me to just enjoy going through them constantly, but RE2 did still have infact have-a-TON of reasons to keep you stuck in.

    Two characters, two Scenarios for each, rankings which lead to unlockable costumes, weapons, and not to mention an unlockable side story, and then a parody of said side story?!? I've played this so often that I've literally got the game nailed in my memory, from where to go and what to expect around every corner.

    I even bought the gamecube version, to which then I also discovered the extra Extreme Battle Minigame to go along with it!

  • Living in the UK meant this had no online capabilities what so ever. Yet I still grew a serious love for this un. Eight playable characters, 5 scenarios, around 4 difficulties, costumes, galleries, voice tracks, concept art to unlock.. I remember reading my total playtime during outbreak reading around 245 hours..

  • I've gone with Substance since this was the version that I originally played MGS2 on. Yet another instant classic that had me hooked for an age. I would quite literally complete it, then start again, complete, start again, complete and ect. By this point I really hadn't played much like it. I was a huge fan of the original MGS, but MGS2 vastly improved everything about MGS, besides the admittedly sucky absence of a playable solid snake. Then again there was still the vast amount of VR missions, as well, that I remember managing to fully complete.

  • Similar to WoW in its reasons, as well as its setting I guess, that if you wanted to get the most out of Origins, you had to play for a potentially intimidating 100 hours. Fortunately, I revelled in its expansive world, storyline and not to mention replay value. I've completed this game, all DLC included, around 4 times total; but there still exist another 9 or so characters that I've created, played with but may have gotten bored of along the way. Overall, I'm willing to bet I've neared around 500 hours with this un.

  • I don't know what it is... I'd just as compulsively go into a long winded rant about the negatives as I'd praise its brilliance. It's a pretty long game, one that can match 60 hours for some, and replay value is there... but jesus, I've got 5 playthroughs on this sucka (all imports from the original) and still I find it calling to me! Most likely down to my love of role-playing so many different kinds of Shepards. It doesn't have the unbelievable versatility as Dragon Age, but there's enough here to have yourself a few pretty distinctive Shepards.

  • Very similar reasoning as is behind Dragon Age: Origins, really. Not to mention this being the very first game I ever played to allow such choice and morality.

  • Mostly down its multiplayer, as people would expect, but I did really enjoy its single player and got quite a few playthroughs outta that. The addictive cooperative modes get me locked in tight, and the competitive was a strong motivator to sink in numerous hours within one sitting.

  • Another nostalgic favourite during some of my most fondly remembered times growing up with my ps1. It's a fairly long game, taking around 15 hours within one playthrough, but has little replay value to speak of. It comes down to my own love of simply ''playing games'' back then that kept me going back to this every so often for years to come.

  • This game quite literally seems to have around 101 things to do! It's an overall massive game, with a brilliant amount of customisation for every aspect of your finely tuned character. A lengthy story, with dozens of side stuff in the middle, on its own got me maybe 50 hours. Then there's the counting the amount of characters I created! With six different voices to choose from, I was very adamant to try them all in their own playthroughs. I was never one for heading back to the surgeon to just completely redo my character.

    Then there's still the seemless coop play, competitive play and... fuck, this game had living out my gang banger dreams (which I never even knew existed!..) for a lengthy 2 years.

  • GTAIV is one of those games that I just like to routinely complete again after so many months. I've completed the main 40 long story around 4 times now, and with maybe 3-4 completions of the DLC afterwards, easily breaks the 100 hour goal.

  • Red Dead Redemption is to Westerns what GTAIV is to modern-day crime dramas. Except RDR is also incredibly more fine tuned, with so much more variety to lose yourself within its world, rather than constantly just relying on playing darts with Brucie to have a reason to drive around Liberty City.

    The single player for RDR is outstanding, and one of the best single player experiences from the past decade I'd even go as far to say. It may of had a little too much filler within the middle parts, and the entire Mexico Act was pretty tedious and dull even I'll chime towards, but damn does it pick right back up when you hit Blackwater. As such I've completed RDR three times now, with that already exceeding the requirements to nag a spot on this list. There's the multiplayer for me to rave on about with its addictive free-roaming 'do whatever the fuck' nature. Despite my exhaustive playtime with the multiplayer, I only 'Prestiged' twice; mostly because I was more concerned with just having fun and giving a go with all the multiplayer (and the DLC) offered, rather than just going through Pike's Basin 50 times in a row.

  • Just like everyone else in the World, I played Oblivion. I played a lot Oblivion. I played around 260 hours worth of Oblivion. I also barely played any of the actual main quest line in Oblivion. The story sucked, was tiresome and the true appeal was just living life within the world, going up the ranks of all the guilds, plundering old mine shafts, becoming the worlds greatest gladiator then hating yourself for it because of that one Super-Fan who had hair that looked like whipped cream. Yellow whipped cream... yellow snow is bad enough.

  • I 'love' Uncharted 2. Probably a lot more than your average Uncharted enthusiast, even. The original Uncharted was great and all, and the characters of Nate, Sully and Elena managed to neatly gloss over a lot the problems the shooting portions contained (and after heading back into the game recently, there was 'A lot' of issues). Uncharted 2 then fucking blew everyone's minds so hard.. they blew up. Besides playing through the forever replayable single player, the sinfully underrated multiplayer is still no doubt where the majority of my time has resided. I'm only rank 50/80 (as of this writing, though I doubt I'm quite as content to head back in as much now) but that still required a lot of investment. And I'm grateful for every second I experienced.

  • I'll still head into occasionally to this day. Naturally for such a multiplayer focused endeavor, Melee is most likely a lot more understandable than a few others here. Ever since 2001, it's a game I've long loved to casually head in whenever an opportunity arises, again with the odd skirmish still cropping up to this day, I needn't count the hours to know that is worthy of a spot.