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    Resident Evil

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    Capcom's Resident Evil (or Biohazard in Japan) series continues to draw in players with its stories of hideous mutations and the pharmaceutical company Umbrella Inc. It is Capcom's best-selling franchise in terms of software sales.

    Third Resident Evil CG movie in the works.

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    #1  Edited By Yummylee

    So, this is a surprise. Just as the live-action drek finally seems to be coming to a close with the 'final chapter' next year, it looks like Capcom are still game to shit out some more of the CG variety of drek for 2017.

    It's at least got a few notable names attached, such as Takashi Shimizu (creator of Ju-on/Ring film series) in a producer role, though the director is a little more obscure, as is the writer. It's not the same guy behind the first two, however, which at least gives me some small degree of comfort. Still, both Degeneration and Damnation were bad enough that I can't say I have faith in a new RE CG movie. They're both poorly written, poorly acted, drably directed, and funnily enough the actual CG isn't even that good, either. The lip syncing in particular is atrocious at that, and it's weird how the cutscenes of RE5 are both better directed and better looking than two whole movies. Even though the game trajectory of the franchise is a little scattershot these days, they at least come from healthy stock, whereas any RE movie anything has consisted of varying levels of shite from the very get-go.

    Story is said to involve Chris and Leon (WHAT A TWEEST), along with Rebecca Chambers. The inclusion of Rebecca is the only interesting aspect to gleam from as of yet, given her AWOL status amidst the video game side of things. She's to also actually feature in the Biohazard stage play (YUP) at that, which with the remastered release of RE0 on its way makes me wonder if they're building her up to return in a new game. Also makes me wonder how they'll connect the movie & the play, since Rebecca's stage role consists of her being a professor stationed in Australia. That is if the play is even canon or whatever, but considering that Umbrella Corps of all things has actually been stated to exist within the 'canon' means Capcom do so enjoy in trying to jam everything together in order to make the series' timeline as confusing as possible.

    Barry finally received his belated return in Revelations 2 anywhoo, so regardless of the story whatevers it'd be welcome all the same for Rebecca to make a comeback in video game form one day. Wonder if they'll now just start ticking off sub-characters to bring back per RE release? Ark Thompson headlining Revelations 7 in 2025 - just you wait!

    Also, here's Ryan's review of Degeneration for those that need a refresher for that 'un. Shame he never got around to reviewing Damnation, too.

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    Meh, worst case we get another completely forgettable bad movie.

    Best case we get a quotable bad movie.

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    #3  Edited By Slang_N_Bang

    Yeah, Degeneration was a real shitshow, Resident Evil in general is a shitshow

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    #4  Edited By csl316

    The CG movies are even dumber than the live action ones, but occasionally some neat-looking stuff happens.

    Nah, wait... the live action movies had that scene where they try domesticating zombies, so maybe they're both on the same level.

    Man, this series. Nowadays it just makes me wanna yell "RESIDENT EVIL!!!" like Snake yells "LIQUID!" in MGS4.

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    I tolerate the CG movies, if only to see more Leon Kennedy shenanigans, while bad they don't make me roll my eyes with all the stupid stuff you see in the typical live action RE movies. I'll watch this one how I watched the other two, when they finally show up on Netflix and I feel like subjecting myself to some Resident Evil movie dreck.

    If all this is setting up for Rebecca to have a role in a future game would be perfectly fine by me. Other then Barry she is the only other cast member I've wanted to return in some fashion. I also really liked Billy Coen from Zero but don't see him returning in anyway that makes much sense for his character other then he just happened to be present when bad shit went down. Maybe Carlos could come back after years with a speech coach and finally got his slipping from one accent to another problem from 3 fixed.

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    Rad. Degeneration and Damnation are totally alright.

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    #7  Edited By Yummylee

    @lost_remnant: I will also eventually get around to watching this too, such is my compulsion... though I'll at least wait for it to get to around £4-5 first. I bought Degeneration brand new and quickly learned from my mistake...

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    If we can get more lines out of Leon like what we got in RE4, I am totally on board.

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    I've actually found enjoyment out of the CG Resident Evil films myself, call me crazy I guess. They at least tell more coherent stories then the games at this point.

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    I've actually found enjoyment out of the CG Resident Evil films myself, call me crazy I guess. They at least tell more coherent stories then the games at this point.

    RE6 maybe, on the account that it barely even has a story, but RE5 is plenty easy to follow and again looks a lot better while doing it.

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    I liked the first CG film in a novelty sort of way, it wasn't great, but it was fun seeing Claire again and it was sort of cool they were doing their own thing, especially with the complaints about the live action films not being close enough to the games. So it was fun.

    The second was just so boring and tedious to me though. So I have no hopes for this one, but maybe it will be alright.

    I'm with you on the games cutscenes being better quality then the movies, plus with the games there is player agency as well, if some big guy comes into the action I get all excited because I'm going to fight that dude! But in the movies it's like, oh, yeah, no, the weird CGI is shooting the other weird CGI.

    And of course there is going to be no tension with the main characters, the Resident Evil series hardly kills off it's main bad guys let alone it's main good guys, so there no chance in hell I'll need to be worried about any of them at any point.

    But I'm going to watch it anyways.

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    I didn't care for the first two too much, but the inclusion of Rebecca makes me want to give this one a shot as well. I mean, it could be better. Right?

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    I didn't care for the first two too much, but the inclusion of Rebecca makes me want to give this one a shot as well. I mean, it could be better. Right?

    They can only go up from here, I guess.

    @zolroyce said:

    I liked the first CG film in a novelty sort of way, it wasn't great, but it was fun seeing Claire again and it was sort of cool they were doing their own thing, especially with the complaints about the live action films not being close enough to the games. So it was fun.

    The second was just so boring and tedious to me though. So I have no hopes for this one, but maybe it will be alright.

    I'm with you on the games cutscenes being better quality then the movies, plus with the games there is player agency as well, if some big guy comes into the action I get all excited because I'm going to fight that dude! But in the movies it's like, oh, yeah, no, the weird CGI is shooting the other weird CGI.

    And of course there is going to be no tension with the main characters, the Resident Evil series hardly kills off it's main bad guys let alone it's main good guys, so there no chance in hell I'll need to be worried about any of them at any point.

    But I'm going to watch it anyways.

    I thought the first one was terribly boring, but found the second to be absolutely miserable. Everything to do with that offensively unfunny JD character, and how they then expect the audience to feel sympathy when he becomes a zombie or whatever, was like the film was just daring me to ragequit and turn the thing off right then and there.

    Also, yeah, like you said because nothing of major importance can really happen in one of the movies, given that main characters rarely die even in the games, it saps away much of the tension you're theoretically supposed to be feeling.

    Though what's funny (and by funny I mean depressing) is how both the games and the live-action movies are tonally pretty similar these days... The CG movies are also still just action shlock at that and within the same realm of dumb as the live-action movies.

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    Good. That way no one can have their face torn off by accident.

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    #15  Edited By hassun

    Accurate representation of the Resident Evil franchise:

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    @yummylee: I found the finale of the second to at least deliver on a pure fan-service level of "Hey here's a bunch of Mr. X's fighting some lickers" even if it's on a boulder punching level of stupid. The first film I fell asleep during twice it barely even used any of the elements I visually associate with the games and call backs.

    Holy shit the animation in those movies though, I've never seen more marionette looking models in anything, it's horrendous.

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    @wampa1: The Tyrant v Lickers battle was alright, I'll give it that. I also sort of like how one of the lickers actually tries to flee. It's an act of vulnerability that you wouldn't expect from one of those things. Still, terrible, terrible movie.

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    The depressing implication underlining all of this is that those other two CG Resident Evil movies must've been profitable. But I will endure. I am still a fan of Resident Evil, the same way people are still fans of bad sports teams. Through my long suffering I will find enlightenment, and when that Resident Evil 2 remake is everything I want it to be or that RE 1.5 restoration project is finished, I will be rewarded. Capcom is just testing us.

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    The depressing implication underlining all of this is that those other two CG Resident Evil movies must've been profitable. But I will endure. I am still a fan of Resident Evil, the same way people are still fans of bad sports teams. Through my long suffering I will find enlightenment, and when that Resident Evil 2 remake is everything I want it to be or that RE 1.5 restoration project is finished, I will be rewarded. Capcom is just testing us.

    Resident Evil is still a name that brings in the money it seems, though times have changed somewhat since then. Damnation was released during the fallout of Resident Evil succumbing to bloated rubbish, and this third one will release post it all so. Plus, if the first two are anything to go by then it doesn't look like their budgets are particularly high, judging from the quality of CG. The atrocious lip syncing is what stands out the most to me that gives it its rather budget appearance.

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    #20  Edited By Shaunage

    I didn't mind Degeneration when it came out, but Damnation was almost unwatchable.

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    The live-action Resident Evil movies were a trainwreck but at least they went for it in a way the CG movies never have. I am curious about this one though. There's no way they can release a movie that looks like those old ones did this year, let alone 2017. But I suppose it doesnt matter how good it looks if it's as boring as those last two. Still anything that might fund a proper sequel to RE6 (or a reboot I dont even care at this point) is alright I guess.

    I'm surprised Capcom havent tried to do a DMC movie, the anime really must have done terribly. (it was pretty bad)

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    I just want a sequel to Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Highly regarded as the worst one but I thought it was truest to the games and also awesome.

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    I just want a sequel to Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Highly regarded as the worst one but I thought it was truest to the games and also awesome.

    lol wot.

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    @devil240z: Explain. Because, really, I can't say there's anything as ridiculous in the pre-RE4 games (Apocalypse was released in 2004) as Alice, a super-human badass ninja lady, engaging in a fist fight against Nemesis. Alice is pretty much the antithesis to Resident Evil protagonists really. Chris, Jill and co. can't even move & shoot, whereas Alice is essentially a superhero.

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    @yummylee: Just the imagery/setting. Recognizable characters. Tyrant was really awesome being mostly practical effects. Properly lowered expectations/not being jaded.

    Alice is the thing that lets these movies get made. So deal with it. I haven't really watched the newer ones but as a huge pre 4 RE fan that movie was the great in a pure fan service way.

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    @devil240z: There's fanservice, but that doesn't automatically make it good fanservice. It takes place in Raccoon City.. OK? But it doesn't visit any particular landmarks or anything so it comes across as just another American City place. Jill's whatever I suppose, they got the costume right, but they completely neutered Nemesis. They tried to give him some form of humanity by way of his origin and his connection to Alice from the first one and then had him get his ass kicked in a fist fight - the dumbest. Then there's the STARS unit. Rather than being a select team of specialists, they're now comprised of a bunch of fodder cops to get minigunned? A lot of the STARS members die in the games of course, but they each went out differently as opposed to having them all killed in one boring, fell swoop. They also completely altered Nicholai's character of course if we're going to judge it by every detail it tries to take from the games.

    Properly lowered expectations/not being jaded.

    Alice is the thing that lets these movies get made. So deal with it.

    So, only people who are jaded disliked Apocalypse? That movie was panned by a lot of film critics who I'm sure haven't played a single one of the games. I don't quite understand the Alice thing, either. It's not like she's the one defining characteristic of why those movies are shit, she's just one of many reasons. I can distinctly remember finding the action scenes really hard to watch because of all the obnoxious cutting going on. Also, she's not the reason those movies get made. They get made cuz Resident Evil - Alice is only the main character because she's married to the director/Executive-producer.

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    Whatever, the live action movies are where it's at. They were boring in the beginning, but the last two were hilarious (and not by accident, I think). I'm eagerly awaiting the upcoming one.

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    #29  Edited By Devil240Z

    @yummylee: I never said it was a good movie... Ugh man I just liked it. I don't have a dog in this fight, you're arguing with yourself. I don't give two shits about this man I didn't even want to respond to you the first time cause I knew you would try to make a thing out of it.

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    @devil240z: You said that it's the ''truest to the games''. Was it so wrong to ask that you explain how it's the ''truest to the games''?

    @yummylee: I never said it was a good movie...

    No, you didn't technically say it was a ''good movie'', but you did say it's ''awesome'', so. Not that that matters, I was responding primarily about the fanservice aspect, but still.

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    @yummylee said:

    @devil240z: You said that it's the ''truest to the games''. Was it so wrong to ask that you explain how it's the ''truest to the games''?

    @devil240z said:

    @yummylee: I never said it was a good movie...

    No, you didn't technically say it was a ''good movie'', but you did say it's ''awesome'', so. Not that that matters, I was responding primarily about the fanservice aspect, but still.

    Either way its all subjective. And its not like I have even seen that movie in at least 6-7 years I think I was probably 15 when it came out and RE2/Nemesis were two of my all time favorite games so seeing tyrant with that chain gun was dope as fuck to me back then. Blue tube top.

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    I actually thing Degeneration is great. It feels exactly like playing a (early) RE game. The second one was really bad, though. It was more like RE6.

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