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    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Game » consists of 20 releases. Released Nov 21, 1998

    The first 3D Legend of Zelda game, Ocarina of Time was created for the Nintendo 64 in 1998 and introduced innovative mechanics such as Z-targeting as well as many of the series' other trademarks. It has frequently been ranked as the greatest game of all time by many publications.

    guip1408's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo 3DS) review

    Avatar image for guip1408

    The first 3D Action-Adventure masterpiece

    Ocarina of Time was the new benchmark for action-adventure games at the time, it created a new standart that it was impossible to think any game would do it again.

    When the game started I wasn't so sure of how good it would be, the games strenght was in its dungeons, having some real cool puzzles and sense of discovery.

    But then, the master sword + time sequence happen (I won't spoil) and the game completely blew me away. It changed even the gameplay, but most amazingly, the new setting, giving a sense of urgency and that now it's your duty to finish this.

    Zelda: OoT is on every "best games of all time" lists you can find, it's the favorite game for alot of people, and it's easy to understand why, the game gave the industry something that people couldn't imagine. Being the blueprint to lots of game to follow, but for alot of people that played the game at the time, it was never possible to another game to create the feeling this game did.

    I was only able to beat it late, on the 3DS re-release and I'm still amazed by what this game accomplished at its time. It's a masterpiece, the highest ranking game on metacritic ratings.

    Other reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo 3DS)

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