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    Top Spin 3

    Game » consists of 18 releases. Released Mar 30, 2006

    Top Spin 3 is a tennis game that is regarded as one of the most realistic simulations of the sport to date. It places huge emphasis on timing and positioning.

    majormitch's Top Spin 3 (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for majormitch

    Tennis: Hardcore Edition

    I love tennis. And seeing as Top Spin has been my tennis franchise of choice since 2003, I was certainly excited to see what the new installment would bring to the table. What I got, however, was radically different from anything I could have expected. While the Top Spin franchise has always been more focused on creating a realistic tennis simulation when compared to its competition, Top Spin 3 takes that idea to a whole new level. Top Spin 3 is a great tennis simulator, but just might be too hardcore for its own good.

    Tennis itself has a steep learning curve. It's a sport that not anyone can just pick up and play, and expect to hit awesome shots with any consistency. That idea seems to have carried over to Top Spin 3, though certainly not to that extent. The simple act of hitting the ball is something players will need to think about at first, as Top Spin 3 has evolved passed the "press A to hit" model of old. Other shots, such as drop shots, serves, and volleys also require much more precision. This leads to a new found focus on your court positioning and timing, and ultimately puts more importance on every move you make. If you are the slightest bit out of position, or mistime your swing by a fraction of a second, your shot won't be as good as you planned- it might not even go in. For the most part, this is pretty great. Tennis is a precise, technical sport- one that rewards raw skill. Top Spin 3 follows in step, and the result is a game that gets closer to the true intensity of playing competitive tennis more than any other.

    At the same time, tennis can be a frustrating sport, and that has also come with the package. Players seeking instant gratification will surely be put off by Top Spin 3's super high learning curve- this is one game that demands you go through a lot of tutorials. Frustration can set in even more when certain mechanics, such as awkward momentum that makes it hard to change directions, just don't feel right. If you can get past the frustrations and truly learn the ins and outs of the game, however, Top Spin 3 can become seriously rewarding. Pulling off awesome shots feels like a feat worthy of feeling good about, and these new mechanics make grinding out close, tight matches one intense ride. The game's career mode does a good job of fueling this atmosphere, and makes you want to see your created character fight his or her way to the top. You won't feel like you're expected to win every match, and certainly not every tournament. But neither do the real pros, which makes Top Spin 3 feel more like true sport rather than an exploitable game.

    In the end, you reap what you sow in Top Spin 3. The ones who will get the most enjoyment from the game are going to be those who put in the time mastering its occasionally tedious mechanics. Many will certainly shun the game's high learning curve in favor of more instantly rewarding games. But for those who stick with it, they will find one of the deepest sports experiences around. It may not be perfect, and it's certainly not for everyone. But Top Spin 3 is a step in the right direction, and is a game worth a look from anyone who enjoys a hardcore sports game.
    For additional information on my review style and scoring system, click here.

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