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    Object » linked to 262 games

    A mode of transportation that requires the pedaling of the user and no gas. Always has two wheels unless otherwise dismembered.

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    When found in games, bicycles are usually used as easier ways to move around, such as in Earthbound, though bicycles have also been known to be used as obstacles. They have also been featured as weapons. There are many types of bikes in all sorts of games, such as,  racing bikes, trick bikes, and mountain bikes. Bicycles were first used by Atari in 1982 as part of the company's "Exertainment" initiative. Users would pedal an exercise bike peripheral for forward momentum. Steering was handled by a controller that was mounted to the handlebars. The hardware and associated launch titles were abandoned due to Atari's untimely bankruptcy.
    • Types of Bikes
    • Road Bikes- Road bikes are used for racing and reaching optimal speeds, they are normally stiffer than other types of bikes. Also they have a different seating position than normal bikes. The rider leans forward on these. In games these are often used to race.
    • Mountain Bikes-  Mountain bikes are often used to go off of roads and on rough terrain. They are different than normal bikes because of their often wider and taller tires. In games these are often used to go in areas normally non-accessible.

    • BMX Bikes- These bikes are often lighter and smaller than other bikes. They are used for tricks and designed to be light and movable. In many games they are used to hop around or do tricks.

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