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    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released May 13, 2016

    In a world with health regeneration and cover-based systems, one of the longest-running first-person shooter series returns to its brutal, fast-paced roots.

    Doom - first impressions (rip and tear)

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    #1  Edited By Humanity

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    The text below was written before the game was out and largely based on a single player campaign demo that happened over at GameSpot. You are welcome to browse over it but at this point I've just converted this entire topic into a sort of Mega-Thread with reviews and such. Doom is out on all your favorite platforms (except for Mac) and it is getting a lot of positive feedback from both fans and press alike. Check out some of the things people have to say about eviscerating hell demons on Mars and heck, join in yourself.

    The GameSpot guys had a show yesterday guesting two of the main people from Id that played through quite a bit of the Doom single player content. They showed off a ton of weapons including the famed BFG as well as showcasing a lot of the core mechanics, level design, and general philosophy behind this.. reboot? Re-imagening? Sequel?

    The livestream can be watched HERE (there is another stream from Bethesda you can watch HERE thanks to @gundogan )

    ATTN: EVEN ON CONSOLES THERE IS AN FOV SLIDER 90-110 (If I recall correctly, maybe 120)

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    As someone that started their gaming life around 1995 with this cool looking Doom shareware at a supermarket, I can honestly say that the new re-imagined Doom for 2016 looks really, really cool. They played on a PS4 and the game looked great and appeared to run at a super smooth 60 FPS which is a must. Apart from the occasional texture pop-in during "loading doors" I didn't really see anything that made the console version of this game appear to be hot garbage and there appear to be plenty of options to customize your experience. As mentioned above, there is an FOV slider which I know is a make or break type of deal for some people.

    A lot of the enemies use projectile weapons that much like in the original version you have to weave in and around. In an era of hit-scan guns this is a nice callback and something that defined Doom combat back in the day. The gore kills look fun and play a strategic role in keeping the action moving forward at a frenetic pace. There are secrets, challenges and special abilities that add a modern touch to what is otherwise an arena shooter slapped into a single player campaign. From the looks of it the level design is basically large arenas that lockdown and start spawning enemies which you need to eviscerate in order to move forward - sort of like how Painkiller did it, another excellent throwback title.

    The music! Oh man the music is really great in my opinion. I'm not much for rock or metal or whatever you call the genre these days, but the heavy tunes that start blaring up as you dispatch increasingly more varied waves of the demonic horde are both fitting and downright rockin'. At a later level they had this weird gothic remix of a metal tune - just awesome.

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    The enemy design appeared appropriately Doom-ish with a bit of that Quake robotic implant quality to it. The Pinky demon looked a little funny but most of the other classic staples of the Doom roster appear to make an appearance and got a nice coat of fresh polygon paint. It's especially fun seeing the different gore-kill animations for each individual enemy type.

    Overall it all looked really awesome. It's really weird to say that I am really looking forward to playing a Doom remake in 2016. I really liked the original back in the day but unlike the guys on the Bombcast I'm not holding it as some holy grail of gaming. It was an extremely important game that totally moved the industry forward, but so have a lot of other games along the years in my opinion. There are watershed moments a-plenty in this industry.

    What do you guys think? I know a lot of people seem skeptical at best, with others downright not impressed with what they've seen or played of the beta. Does this single player content change your mind at all?

    Technical Corner

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    LOW FPS on AMD cards

    Hell-wizard @tobbrobb suggests

    Try putting shadows to medium or low. There seems to be a bug with AMD cards and shadows in this game that really kills FPS. I also have a 390 and got an increase between 20 - 40 FPS when I did this. Hopefully a fix comes soon.


    This tip comes from @shakey1245 and has helped several people eliminate or limit crashes.

    Try setting the Virtual Texturing Page Size to Low in the Advanced Settings. I had the same problem (i5-4690k, GTX760, 8GB of RAM) with it closing/crashing out to the desktop.


    Right-click Doom in your library, go to Properties, and select Set Launch Options. From there, you can type in various commands:

    • Skip intro videos: +com_skipIntroVideo 1
    • Disable mouse smoothing: +set m_smooth 0
    • Shorten load screens: +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1
    • Unlock Nightmare difficulty: +menu_advanced_AllowAllSettings 1


    IGN - 7.1/10

    Polygon - in progress

    GameSpot - 8/10 - ..while it's not the model to follow in every case, modern shooters could learn a thing or two from Doom's honed and unadulterated identity

    PC Gamer - in progress

    Rock Paper Shotgun - Propulsive, thrilling and breathless, DOOM is the triumph I never expected. I just can’t see there being a better shooter this year, I really can’t.

    Destructoid - 9/10 - I had hoped this would be surprisingly good, but deep down I had no idea it would be this much fun.

    Game Informer - 8.75/10 - Driven largely by its successful single-player campaign, Doom is a welcome return to form for the genre-defining franchise

    Player Testimonials:

    No truer words were spoken than @tru3_blu3 pontificating:

    Yup, this game fucking rocks

    @jec03 isn't afraid to attest that:

    combat feels good not F.E.A.R. good but hell alot more fun than DOOM 3

    Beaming in from hell itself @crysack reports:

    I'm finding it rather tedious

    Veteran Doom player @cornbredx muses:

    it doesn't feel like DOOM for me

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    @artelinarose made these guttural noises:


    Stationed Mars Marine @sinjunb shares:

    It's already one of the top 5 best shooters I've ever played.

    Shooter fan @tennmuerti says:

    It's good.

    Videogame expert @baronsamedi had this to say about Doom:

    • ... on PC ... the movement speed is good.
    • You can turn off the highlights and 100% ignore glory kills...
    • ...they don't lock you into small areas when taking on enemies, the zones are multi-layered have a lot of ins and outs allowing for plenty of player freedom.
    • ... Mick Gordon was such an inspired choice for composer he's absolutely nailed the OST.
    • On complete maximum it never comes even close to dropping below 60FPS (970, 8GB RAM, 4690k)...
    • FoV slider going all the way up to 130...
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    #2  Edited By gundogan

    It looks good. The flashy HUD popups and glowing stuff can be turned off if that's not your thing along with a lot of other good options like FoV on all platforms. The level design seems to be a bit more evolved from the new Wolfenstein one: linear overal, but all the areas are big enough with plenty of exploration and different options for combat. The combat itself look satisfying with a good pace and punch.

    @humanity said:

    The enemy design appeared appropriately Doom-ish with a bit of that Quake robotic implant quality to it.

    The more robotic demons are the UAC enhanced ones. I believe some have a regular version and a UAC version.

    Combined with SnapMap (check out that stream as well!, Bethesda also did their own SP stream) and the 'mandatory throw away multiplayer' (read: well fleshed out multiplayer), this seems like a good complete package.

    EDIT: the gameplay sections are also on Gamespot's youtube channel without commentary. The sound and music are rad!

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    #3  Edited By glots

    @humanity said:

    They played on a PS4 and the game looked great and appeared to run at a super smooth 60 FPS which is a must.

    That's a pleasant surprise, I thought it was going to be 30 for the single player. Wouldn't have been a dealbreaker, but the multiplayer felt slick with that and Wolfenstein was also great to play at 60 on PS4.

    Didn't care for the multiplayer in the beta, but there's always room in my life for a decent shooter with a good campaign. The fact that Uncharted comes out during the same week is also a good excuse for me to just wait for the reviews and such before thinking about buying it, instead of doing something hasty like I usually do.

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    I thought the multiplayer was bland but decent fun. The type of thing that was worth killing a few hours with in the beta. That singleplayer, however, looks really, genuinely fantastic. It was always the singleplayer that interested me the most, and it seems to be hitting all the right notes.

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    It looks good, but not great to me. I'm very against the 'Glory Kills' they look to serve no purpose other than gore porn and simply do nothing but lock the player in place and slow down the movement. Thankfully it looks like if I turn off the glowing effect I will probably be able to ignore them entirely. I still feel like the character moves slightly too slow but almost all demos have been on console which is just forces naturally slower play due to the control input so it might be better on PC there.

    Visually it looks a bit muddy to me, but I'll attribute that to compression on GS's videos. I hope for some real ridiculous designs in the latter portions of the games. What impressed me the most is the map screen, it looks super legible and easy to navigate. Though it's kind of weird how they ruin the secrets by telling you about them.

    Sound effects and audio just seem good all round and the music is also fantastic, Mick Gordon doing good work still.
    Whether I get it on release or not all depends on what other games I want to play are coming around the same time.

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    @baronsamedi: As far as I saw the glory kills serve to refill your health and ammo so you can keep on shooting and fighting instead of suddenly running dry on everything and scavenge all over the room to find a healthkit or an ammo box. Keeps the action moving. As for speed I did see there was a skill that is perfect for you - you might have seen it too - it sped up the gore kill animations and each gore kill gave him a speed boost so he moved even faster. Reminds me a bit of the Warhammer 40k Space Marine system of regaining health through gore executions which forced a very aggressive playstyle.

    The one thing I remembered is that of all the awesome sound design, the pistol had this really weak pew-pew-pew noise. They should have made it like a hand cannon instead of this laser noise.

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    #7  Edited By cikame

    My initial impressions of this game have remained the same, there's something about the texture work, the animation, the gun design and audio which blend together to form something... cartoony? It doesn't hit the right visceral loud carnage that i'd like the game to have, every time they've shown gameplay the guns have sounded weak and don't look fun to use, this was highlighted in the multiplayer beta's which i played and turns out they are in fact not fun to use.
    The execution moves look bouncy, silly, the demons turn into ragdolls bending around like... again... a cartoon, the textures are bright, flat, everything feels like it has a comic book outline, if this is the same engine that powered RAGE and the new Wolfenstein games then PC users can look forward to vertical sync issues, low audio output and a 60fps cap which upsets people using high refresh rate monitors, but that's speculation based on previous releases so cross your fingers.
    I will praise the soundtrack, Mick Gordon is a master when it comes to gut punching video game music, but it kind of highlights how weak the action feels in this game when the soundtrack constantly rises above it.

    Due to this game's development i've started playing Brutal Doom for the first time, i've seen a lot of people post its trailer in response to how lacking this game seems to be but honestly i have to do the same now, look at this...

    Loading Video...

    Isn't this just better? Like, in every way?

    Everything in this game feels like it was polished in a specific way to make you say "Damn that hit the spot", it's one of the best feeling shooters i've played in a very long time, i have no real nostalgia for Doom but this game captures me and makes me feel at home instantly.

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    #8  Edited By Humanity

    @cikame: As far as framerate goes they confirmed that on PCs the framerate is uncapped so you can go up to, his words, 140 FPS or whatnot. Although that sounds like the least of your worries.

    As for your ending question whether Brutal Doom looks better: for me personally? No. No, that looks like Doom from 1993. If I wanted to play old Doom then there are plenty of ways I can go about that. There is much to be said about what Doom did both for videogames and for the genre as a whole. Is classic Doom better than modern shooters? No, thats ridiculous. It's different, sure, it's not better. Shooters have come so far, added so many options, so many interesting new abilities and playstles. I don't want to be shooting 2D sprites that turn into gibs in 2016. Times have changed. Today games have the capacity to look so good I think it is ludicrous to keep going back to those old titles like some holy grail while simultaneously complaining about how this new version looks "cartoony." Now don't take that the wrong way, I'm not trying to attack you or anything because lord knows we all like different things - but as I type this and have the YouTube video frozen above at a screen of a bunch of 2D marines milling about in all their pixelated glory there is nothing more cartoony that I can think of at the moment.

    There is something to be said about the refusal to just let Doom go. I honestly think they are doing right by the franchise with this new iteration. I'm not sure what else they could do to make it more like Doom short of having to put in sprites in order to appease the oldschool crowd. You will never get that old feeling back in modern games. At some point you need to just accept that things have moved on. You still get a cool throwback here and there like Devil Daggers for example, but if you want a modern looking game full of effects, abilities, genre innovations - then all those things tend to cancel out everything that made Doom what it was in 1993. I'm SO glad there is a double jump and a clamber for example. Shooters NEED that stuff. I was watching Vinny play Fallout 4 last night and this door was "barred from the other side" yet there was a completely vacant window opening right next to it at chest height - in 2016 we need to be able to climb into that window. Waist high ledges acting as an effective barrier in level progression is something that needed to have been phased out years ago. We need to let games grow and that won't happen if we can't let go and appreciate a game trying something new.

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    @cikame: The irony in calling new Doom 'cartoony' with negative connotations and then posting Brutal Doom claiming its superiority immediately afterwards is pretty rich.

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    I'm in. Doom's always been a single-player game for me, so it's been strange to see so much multiplayer pushed to the forefront (which was surprisingly fun).

    Campaign looks fast and fun, and based on the beta it should feel pretty good. So I should enjoy it quite a bit.

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    I don't think Brutal Doom is cartoony, it uses Doom's art style which was a product of its time, low resolution pixel art or sprites, but look beyond that and you have a gravity to the world, a sense of place and weight which Brutal Doom emphasizes by drawing new animation and fitting new mechanics to the original game. My use of the word cartoon can also be attributed to games like Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch, that bouncy and fun style of animation, movement and 'feel', i get that sense from the new Doom.

    Despite being bloody and nasty it's somehow clean, drawn, Doom 3 received a lot of praise for its graphics and i still like the dark terrifying locations in that game today, when and if i get around to playing the new game i'll see if my feelings about it change as right now these are just early opinions.

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    #12  Edited By NewHuman

    @cikame said:

    I don't think Brutal Doom is cartoony, it uses Doom's art style which was a product of its time, low resolution pixel art or sprites, but look beyond that and you have a gravity to the world, a sense of place and weight which Brutal Doom emphasizes by drawing new animation and fitting new mechanics to the original game.

    In that trailer it cuts to a 3rd person camera so you can watch a flat 2D vignette of your guy tearing a demon in half over his head. If that's not cartoony then what is?

    I don't think that's a bad thing by the way - though I will say I have doubts the original DOOM would have its staying power if all the over-the-top-ness from Brutal was in there in 1993.

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    @newhuman said:
    @cikame said:

    I don't think Brutal Doom is cartoony, it uses Doom's art style which was a product of its time, low resolution pixel art or sprites, but look beyond that and you have a gravity to the world, a sense of place and weight which Brutal Doom emphasizes by drawing new animation and fitting new mechanics to the original game.

    In that trailer it cuts to a 3rd person camera so you can watch a flat 2D vignette of your guy tearing a demon in half over his head. If that's not cartoony then what is?

    I don't think that's a bad thing by the way - though I will say I have doubts the original DOOM would have its staying power if all the over-the-top-ness from Brutal was in there in 1993.

    I also don't think the original Doom was meant to be taken seriously. There was always that bit of wink and nod that went along with it. Even as a kid in 4-5th grade I never thought that it was this super visceral and hardcore experience. It was this shooter with a ton of blood and cool explosions that was a ton of fun to play. Look at that brain with robot spider legs woah.. cool. Hey check out all this goofy pentagrams everywhere. Alright load up a level, IDKFA, IDDQD, let's rock.

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    @humanity: Yeah, definitely - that's what I loved about it. I think it's a good thing that they couldn't/didn't go as balls out as that Brutal Doom 2.0 trailer is though.

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    Romero needs to up his Satan game if blackroom has a fighting chance.

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    I'm actually more excited about Doom after seeing the single player stream. (Pinkey has legs again!)
    First of all, it's Doom, so part of me is just programmed to want to buy it.
    Even before playing the beta I said I didn't know if I could ever buy Doom on console (which is where I played the first beta/alpha), it just seems weird.
    As I expected I came away with mixed feelings about the way the controls felt and I was a bit turned off.
    Then I played the beta on PC and was like ok this feels much better, feels more like I'm playing, well, Doom.
    I started to get the flow of the one map I seemed to repeatedly play and began having more fun with it.
    Someone I talked to about it thought the PC version was getting the shaft but low in behold they announce all the options the PC version would have (Can't wait to tell him to put his pitchfork away.)
    Anyway... There seems to be enough customization to play with game-wise and character-wise with all the game options and armor customizations which is cool.
    I'm feeling this Doom seems more of a throwback to the original with adding enough modern game design to it.
    Secrets, keys, dodging crazy amounts of demon projectiles from every angle and the ability to easily create maps and game modes.
    I just hope every level doesn't end in an arena battle like Bioshock Infinite.
    Classic Doom enemies are looking pretty rad in my opinion too.
    Sign me up.

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    I had zero goddamn interest in the game based on all of the multiplayer bullshit I had seen. I wasn't even that interested in single player based on the shit from the initial E3 stuff.

    However, this has me FAAAAAAAAAAAAR more interested. I was going to end up playing the game anyways, as any diehard DOOM fan would do. I HAVE to play it, even if it sucks. However, this looks like it'll be far more enjoyable and that I won't actually hate it.

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    I've been hyped since day one (and by "day one" I mean over ten years ago when they first started talking about Doom 4), and it's a must-play no matter what because Doom, but the SP video put me right over the edge. I'm loving what I'm seeing, and am totally baffled by some of the backlash. Yeah, the MP doesn't look great, but the rest looks like some Doom-ass Doom.

    ... I just realized that it's been longer between Doom 3 and now than it's been since Doom 1 and Doom 3. Fucking hell.

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    It looks pretty good! Fluent action, recognizable enemies, actual health and armor. A map! Secrets. Stuff a Doom should have.

    My plan is to play this on a challenging difficulty with most of the HUD elements disabled (no waypoints, compass, objectives, XP popup shit, glowing enemies, etc.)

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    @shagge: Fucking. Hell.

    Got further into this stream and I like this progression stuff.

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    Not sure I dig the progression stuff, I understand the kids are into it, but man, can't we for once have a game that focuses on the player learning and mastering the moveset of a game naturally instead of through arbetrery level requirments? Otherwise the music, the enemy design, the speed, the levels.. This looks fucking brilliant.

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    I'm into it but all these upgrades feel out of place for a linear single player campaign.

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    @cikame: When I started looking into Mick Gordon and then found out he also did the soundtrack for the Killer Instinct reboot, it started to click in my head. The KI soundtrack is so fucking good.

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    I was worried this new Doom might miss the mark, especially after trying the multiplayer beta, but the single player looks dope. I have my copy preordered! Friday the 13th, let's do it!

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    @cikame said:

    My initial impressions of this game have remained the same, there's something about the texture work, the animation, the gun design and audio which blend together to form something... cartoony? It doesn't hit the right visceral loud carnage that i'd like the game to have, every time they've shown gameplay the guns have sounded weak and don't look fun to use, this was highlighted in the multiplayer beta's which i played and turns out they are in fact not fun to use.

    The execution moves look bouncy, silly, the demons turn into ragdolls bending around like... again... a cartoon, the textures are bright, flat, everything feels like it has a comic book outline, if this is the same engine that powered RAGE and the new Wolfenstein games then PC users can look forward to vertical sync issues, low audio output and a 60fps cap which upsets people using high refresh rate monitors, but that's speculation based on previous releases so cross your fingers.

    I will praise the soundtrack, Mick Gordon is a master when it comes to gut punching video game music, but it kind of highlights how weak the action feels in this game when the soundtrack constantly rises above it.

    Due to this game's development i've started playing Brutal Doom for the first time, i've seen a lot of people post its trailer in response to how lacking this game seems to be but honestly i have to do the same now, look at this...

    Loading Video...

    Isn't this just better? Like, in every way?

    Everything in this game feels like it was polished in a specific way to make you say "Damn that hit the spot", it's one of the best feeling shooters i've played in a very long time, i have no real nostalgia for Doom but this game captures me and makes me feel at home instantly.

    When not cartoony, Doom looks like Doom 3. Pretty much everything else Doom looks like a ridiculous cartoon, and that's great, that's exactly what I want from it. (Full disclosure: I like Doom 3 way more than most people like Doom 3).

    I have played Brutal Doom. I've played through both Doom 1 and 2 using Brutal Doom and I think it's a lot of fun, but it feels messy. And I don't mean the gore. I mean things like the gun sounds - they're really, really loud, but not in a way that feels like they pack a punch. Instead, they sound blown out. When you shoot the chaingun, it goes all over the damn place - yeah, I know, like a real chaingun, but instead of feeling powerful, it just feels like I'm missing half the time. The whole "go fuck yourself" thing was funny a few times but I don't care that you can do that now.

    Pretty much everything you say about Brutal Doom is how I feel about what I just watched of Doom 2016. I played the multiplayer beta and I thought the movement and weapons felt perfect, spot-fucking-on, and those alone had me excited for the Doom single player campaign. The campaign could have been an old-fashioned series of levels with no story and no real connection and I would have bought it and probably loved it, but it looks like they've done that and so much more. There's an actual story that they seemed to have made an effort to flesh out without making it overt or the main focus of the game. They've even got some small RPG-esque character building going on, although I don't think that will matter as much as they'd like to tell you it does. Yeah, this game looks great, it looks like they've taken what makes Doom special, what made people play it without stopping for 23 years, and adapted that into something modern and full-featured.

    It's worth noting that I slightly disagree with @humanity - I think that first Doom game is an excellent example of how you can take something simple and then use really, really smart design to make it almost infinitely fun. I'd love to see a sort of "retro shooter" thing happen, like we saw with retro platformers. Big areas, pixelly graphics, maze-like levels full of secrets and keys, simple but extremely effective enemies and weapons, etc. But what this new Doom game is shaping up to be? Yeah, I'm all for that. Give me a generation of single player shooters like that and I'll be an insanely happy man.

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    #27  Edited By Error52

    The multiplayer's kind of a bummer, but the single-player really does look like a lot of fun. It probably won't have the staying power of the old ones, but almost nothing does.

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    Kinda bummed the armor in that otherwise killer box art makes me think of Master Chief instead of Doom Guy.

    But anyways, glad to see you can turn off the glow for the executions. Game looks pretty fun! Multiplayer seemed alright too.

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    The RPG progression shit is stupid, as is all the demons dropping phat loots.

    Other than that, kinda looks like a video game version of the Robocop reboot. Not awful but ultimately destined to be a footnote attached to something greater and inherently obsoleted by it. Forever to be known not as its actual title: "DOOM" but instead as "Doom (2016)"

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    @justin258: I completely agree there is room for it. Devil Daggers would be an awesome game if they built out a single player campaign from what is there. As someone that always propagates progress I simply dislike it when people hold classic games against innovation. There is absolutely a market for "give me 12 weapons and just let me shoot shit" but 9/10 I rather a developer take a risk and try something new. Like I said earlier, I love the fact that they included mantling in this new Doom. All modern shooters should have mantling. The days of walking up to a waist high ledge should be so far behind us. The one positive through-line in gaming that I can identify is that both choice and mobility make for a better experience almost every single time. So all I'm saying here is yah go make those Serious Sams and Painkillers - just don't hold them against modern game design when it's actually doing something well.

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    @bhlaab said:

    The RPG progression shit is stupid, as is all the demons dropping phat loots.

    Other than that, kinda looks like a video game version of the Robocop reboot. Not awful but ultimately destined to be a footnote attached to something greater and inherently obsoleted by it. Forever to be known not as its actual title: "DOOM" but instead as "Doom (2016)"

    Yeah, the worst thing you can do to Doom is overcomplicate it. This doesnt look like a bad game just a generic one. I feel like we already got our modern Doom sequel and that was Painkiller and that game still holds up. (Dont play Hell and Damnation or any of the bastardized expansions though)

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    @humanity said:

    @justin258: I completely agree there is room for it. Devil Daggers would be an awesome game if they built out a single player campaign from what is there. As someone that always propagates progress I simply dislike it when people hold classic games against innovation. There is absolutely a market for "give me 12 weapons and just let me shoot shit" but 9/10 I rather a developer take a risk and try something new. Like I said earlier, I love the fact that they included mantling in this new Doom. All modern shooters should have mantling. The days of walking up to a waist high ledge should be so far behind us. The one positive through-line in gaming that I can identify is that both choice and mobility make for a better experience almost every single time. So all I'm saying here is yah go make those Serious Sams and Painkillers - just don't hold them against modern game design when it's actually doing something well.

    I think Serious Sam and Painkiller are both boring games. They're missing something, there's just something they don't do right for me that Doom did do.

    I could type a lot of responses in this thread, but I feel like I saw an entirely different game than some people did. There's mention of it being overcomplicated and complaints about the minor RPG mechanics they seem to be throwing in, those things only made me more excited for it.

    The good news is, I can name at least two people who have never been interested in Doom before who are really excited for this, so maybe the old guard Doom fans will be disappointed but we'll get a bunch of people who really like this new take? Hopefully? I hope it's good in the first place, but as I said above - more shooters that aim for the same things that this game seems to be aiming for, please.

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    @justin258: Yup, tone, mechanics and overall action feel all seem excellent. I wasn't really that interested in this but after seeing the single player it's something I'm really anticipating next month - probably THE game I want to get in May.

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    @boozak said:

    Yeah, the worst thing you can do to Doom is overcomplicate it. This doesnt look like a bad game just a generic one. I feel like we already got our modern Doom sequel and that was Painkiller and that game still holds up. (Dont play Hell and Damnation or any of the bastardized expansions though)

    I like Painkiller and Serious Sam, don't get me wrong, but they aren't much like Doom at all. Doom, Duke3D, Blood, Quake, etc. were all about the level design, whereas Pankiller and Sam are about locking you in a square room and having tons of guys spawn in. More like a modern Smash TV than Doom.

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    #35  Edited By BoOzak

    @bhlaab: @justin258: Sure, I guess I never liked the level design in Doom everything kind of felt stiched together. Duke3D on the other hand had more interesting levels.

    And i'm not against modernising games I thought the new Wolfenstein was great and loved Titanfall I even thought the new Shadow Warrior was alright. (the sequel is looking pretty good) It's just that Doom to me always seemed like a pure experience free of quasi-rpg mechanics but I guess you cant just make a prettier version of the old game and call it a day.

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    I was sitting at work today thinking about Doom, and as I thought about it more I got even more excited. Just the way the guy was fluidly jumping around combat arenas running and gunning, it's just so rare these days. It looked great, moved fast, plus it looked like you have a ton of options. I loved the old games and enjoyed Doom 3, but this looks like what I expected Doom 3 to be in the first place.

    We'll see in a few weeks, but it looks like it might be worth the wait.

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    #37  Edited By GaspoweR

    I'm not sure if this has been posted but this is another stream that is showing off the SP on their Twitch channel. Probably covers the same ground as the GS video but it's another video nonetheless for anyone that's interested.

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    I was extremely skeptical until I played it at PAX East and it was easily my favorite thing I played at the show. I never in a million years thought it would be.

    Somehow the controls and speed just feel right even on gamepad.

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    #39  Edited By Humanity

    @slag: What system did you play it on? I'm really on the fence about whether I should get this for PC or PS4. I'm not sure how my PC will handle it but the PS4 version seemed to be playing at a smooth 60 on the GameSpot stream.

    EDIT: Also I dunno what it is but I'm a lot more excited about playing this new Doom than Overwatch, which seems to be the fan favorite game of choice for May.

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    @humanity: I think it was PC. I should have checked but since I planned to buy it on PC anyway I didn't pay very close attention.

    Definitely used an XboxOne gamepad though, whatever it was. Zero complaints on framerate, resolution that sort of thing. It seemed very polished and well optimized compared to many of the other games there, which it should be considering when it releases, but still it was nice. It's hard to describe in a way, it's a game that feels much better than it shows if that makes sense. Watching video etc of it really didn't do it justice.

    fwiw I played Overwatch there too on XB1 and it played pretty great too. Probably the first 2 shooters that grabbed my interest in a number of years. TBF I think that kind of game tends to show better in small chunks at an event like that than something like say Final Fantasy XV.

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    Just wanna say, it's great to see some positive feedback on the game. I appreciate the effort you put in to bringing that to us.

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    #42  Edited By glots

    Hearing the positive comments regarding the single player on the Bombcast definitely got me more interested. I'm still gonna devote the upcoming week for Uncharted 4, but I'll be sure to grab this right away if the reviews make it sound as good of game as The New Order.

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    I love Brutal Doom.

    Brutal Doom is cartoony as fuck.

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    This looks like a game that I'll be getting on a discount a few months down the road because of the SP campaign. Sometimes you just want to shoot shit, and what I have seen of the SP campaign Doom at least seems to deliver on that. Maybe if this was an empty month, I'd be tempted to get it now. Dark Souls 3 is stopping me from doing that.

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    @adequatelyprepared: Yah I feel yah. I should probably do the same because I'm probably not going to put a lot of time into the multiplayer - not because it's bad or anything but because I just don't enjoy mindless deathmatch as much anymore these days. Add to that Uncharted coming out and everyone saying it's the next coming of christ in videogame format, and Overwatch is still a tentative "maybe" and my May budget for games is starting to look a little hefty. That said there is some undeniable hook the games has managed to wedge in my psyche in that I'm just really excited to play it. I loved Wolfenstein and all these little first person touches I've seen in the SP are giving me pleasant flashbacks to the awesomness that was New Order.

    It's tough, but hey maybe I'll just get them all. I mean whats coming out in June anyway? I'll just splurge this month and save next month.. yah.. YAH that will work! I actually hurried up and finished Dark Souls 3 today in order to clear my backlog for these coming games!

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    200 fps footage. Man, I'm so in.

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    @csl316: I look forward to the Cubeface speed run.

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    #48  Edited By Ravey

    I like how they've embraced Doom's gameplay and arcade / D&D / heavy metal aesthetic. Even though there are some fundamental differences, it still looks like Doom.

    The way they've handled the pacing, flow and balance (movement, combat, resource gathering, exploration, upgrades, difficulty, etc) also seems pretty interesting. Balance, pacing, agency and mobility is pretty much the eternal struggle, so it's cool that they tried something risky and different.

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    I'm not digging the health and ammo pinatas from enemy deaths. It's too gamey and arcadey, something that Doom fought against in its amazing design decision to get rid of the atypical score accumulation that was common in games back then, in replacement of just the raw pleasure of killing your enemies. The slaughter was its own reward in Doom, and it was awesome. The only time you got an actual reward from an enemy was then it made sense; kill a weapon wielding zombie, you get a clip of ammunition or a shotgun. Anything else gave you nothing but another obstacle in your way, and it was the best design decision ever from a developer.

    It seems like Doom 2016 is missing the point in this regard. Not only is there no inertia when you get hit or when enemies get hit by your damage output, their corpses don't stay, they easily gib, and they somehow for no reason give you life and man made ammunition for your man made guns. The demons in Doom 2016 seem to be designed as ciphers than actual, intimidating creatures with personality. That's what I'm getting from the video footage alone, and that's pretty disappointing.

    But I guess with the visual fidelity that they were going for, they couldn't make levels big and seamless enough to place medpacks and ammo that were plentiful enough to be reachable after any gun fight. They can't make entire levels arenas, they have to have levels with "arenas" in between their hallways; arenas that you can skip or run out of. You can't backtrack out of these combat arenas to get more health and ammo, only to come back and see the very demons that spawned in that arena proceed to murder each other from their cross fire. It was awesome to see in the old school Doom just how chaotic entire levelscapes would become when you just left demons in their lonesome. Now, I don't expect demons to do that at all. How the hell can you do what old Doom did with Doom 2016's graphics, the poverty tier console hardware, and the majority of PC's out there whose hardware isn't up to snuff for anything but League of Legends?

    You can't. You just have to accept the limitations of what hardware is capable of, and what the able bodies in your office are capable of. And so we have games complicated in graphics, but shallow in mechanics and overall design.

    I guess Doom 2016 will be fun like Max Payne 3. That's the best I could hope. If not, we have another boring console shooter that doesn't understand why shooters are awesome: the shooting itself.

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    #50  Edited By NeoZeon

    I'll let you know once I'm done sitting through the download of a five gig update file and the mandatory 11GB install...

    All I wanted to do was goof around in the single player for a bit before bed, but, nah that ain't gonna happen now. Rest mode and background download it is.

    Times like this are the reason I'm not a fan of modern gaming sometimes. Unless that update stops some fatal crash from happening, just let me shoot some damn demons before bedtime.

    I know a lot of games do this these days, but if this is the norm, why do we even bother with midnight launches anymore? It's not like you can play it that much earlier anyway.

    Unless you count being able to see the install screen first as some sort of reward I guess.

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