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Average score of 25 user reviews

She Sees Dead People 0

It all starts with a dead girl. These are the first words spoken by the game's protagonist, Marianne, in Bloober Team's latest game, The Medium. If you're unfamiliar with Bloober team they are a Polish developer who have made high profile "walking sims" like Layers of Fear and Observer. The Medium is similar to those games.The game takes place in late '90s Poland. You play as Marianne who is a Medium, meaning she can commune with the dead and see the spirits of the dead in another world. As she...

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Killin Folks on the Bayou 0

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation breaks new ground. The main protagonist is Aveline de Grandpre. This marks the first time in the series that the main character has been a female. The developers had a chance here to create something truly special but sadly they instead made another by the books Assassin's Creed game. The game takes place in New Orleans around the 1770s. Aveline is the result of an affair between a slave woman and a wealthy merchant. Her slave mother disappeared when she was you...

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Hungry for Buckleberry 0

Morgane Castillo is a young woman from the Caribbean who, at a young age, travels the seas with her father after her mom dies. When she comes of age her father appoints her as the acting captain of the Winsome Maid (the ship she's on). From there you go on a journey to help a rich explorer find the legendary Golden Turtle along with some side quest such as finding long lost Uncle Eduardo along the way.Captain Morgane is a simple point and click game. It's not like the old school point and click ...

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Grove Street for Life Homie! 0

These days nostalgia for the early '90s is almost as strong as it was for the '80s. There is certainly a lot to remember about that era. The grunge and gangster rap movement was strong, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ruled Saturday mornings and wearing your pants backwards was the cool thing to do. It's only natural that Rockstar's follow up to Vice City, a game set in the '80s, would be a game set in the '90s.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas takes place in 1992. The player assumes the role of Carl “...

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The Segment They Didn't Teach In Your US History Class 0

It's time to hop back in the Animus with Desmond and friends in the newest installment of the Assassin's Creed series, Assassin's Creed III. The game is a mixed bag. It includes some things you'd expect, some things you wouldn't expect, and some things you don't want to endure.Taking place around the time of the American Revolution the player takes control of a new character, Connor, a Native American who's out to avenge the death of his friends and family all while aiding the Americans to fight...

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A Bit of Italian Mixed With Turkey 0

In this episode of Assassin's Creed we find out what happened to Desmond after the major cliffhanger of the previous game. We also find out what happens to Ezio and what has happened to Altair after the very first game.The developers juggle all the story elements quite well. Desmond's mind is fragmented and he is in a comatose state. To regain his consciousness he has to explore the lives of Ezio and Altair. In the game Ezio arrives in Constantinople and largely spends the majority of his time h...

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Rome Wasn't Built in a... Well You Know the Rest 0

If you haven't played Assassin's Creed yet you are missing out on an entertaining series. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is the sequel to Assassin's Creed II so if you haven't gotten around to playing ACII yet, you probably should before moving on to ACB. If you don't care then ACB is a good enough game as any to start playing. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is pretty much like ACII but improves on the game in many ways.ACB takes directly after the events of ACII. Desmond and his chums are still hun...

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Black holes and cheerios 0

If you never played Portal in 2007 then you missed out on one of the most mind-bending and humorous games from that era. In fact if you didn't play the first portal you should probably stop reading this review and go play it before playing Portal 2 because you'll be missing out on a lot of the humor in the second game. The second game is even more crazy and funny than the first game.Portal 2 takes place some time after the first game. The Aperture Science Center is in shambles. Along the way you...

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Delivers on killing but stays out of the zone. 0

At some point during the Playstation 2's never ending life-cycle Sony decided that they needed to hop on the rising popularity of console first person shooters with a FPS of their own. Their main competitor Xbox had released Halo in 2001 and was pretty much the benchmark for all console FPSes from that point on. With only Red Faction, Medal of Honor and Timesplitters on the PS2, Sony snatched up Guerrilla games in order to make their own exclusive shooter to the PS2. That game would be Killzone....

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The Redheaded Stepchild of X-Com 0

     Rebelstar: Tactical Command is a turn-based strategy game from the creator of X-Com UFO Defense. It is like X-Com in many ways but is it's own game. However, it is so similar they are hard to not compare. So is Rebelstar a good enough game to stand on it's own feet? The answer is yes. But if you're expecting another X-Com you will probably be let down.       The year is 2117 and a race of aliens known as Arelians have already invaded the planet earth and enslaved them all, planting...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Videogame For Those Who Like It Doggy-Style (Here's Poop in You 1

     Are you tired of having an upright humanoid protagonist to play as in your video games? Well Dog's Life could be for you. In this game you play as a dog named Jake. You are on a search for your bitch, Daisy, who has been doggnapped by the dog catcher. You journey across various settings and meet many different individuals. This game isn't the best game to come out, but it is an ok distraction.       The story of the game is pretty strait forward. You are a dog named Jake and Daisy, y...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Zack Island > Island of Dr. Moreau 0

     The Dead or Alive series has never been known as a superb fighter, but more of a T&A showcase. The ladies of DOA have always been the main focus of the series (there aren't many fighting games where people want a nude code), so it's a no brainer that Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball was made. No longer do you have to look at the lame male characters (except Zack, but he can be skipped), or worry about getting "button mashed" to death. In DOAX, it is all about having a nice rel...

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Four Years Down the Drain 0

     Fugitive Hunter is a result of four years of hard work. So how come Black Ops has brought out a first person shooter that looks the exact opposite? In Fugitive Hunter the player takes the role of Lieutenant Jake Seaver. Lt. Seaver works for the Alpha team of the Criminal Interdiction and Fugitive Recovery task force, or CIFR for short. Congress created CIFR due to the rising terrorist activity in the world. As a member of CIFR Lt. Seaver must hunt down and capture terrorist leaders a...

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Leisure Suit Larry Is A Fun Time For All 0

      As a fan of the Leisure Suit Larry series I was skeptical about how this new Leisure Suit Larry game ( Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude) would stack up to the others in the series. The game takes a radical departure from the other games in the series. You no longer play as Leisure Suit Larry. Instead you play as Larry Laffer's nephew, Larry Loveage. Also, instead of a point and click adventure this game is a series of minigames. While some would consider this almost sacrilegious...

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You Will Have a Better Time Stabbing Icepicks Through Your Eyes 0

      Backyard Wrestling 2 is a good idea on paper. Why the cover entices you to play. What could be better than playing as your favorite hardcore wrestlers, looking at porn stars, and listening to ICP? Well, a lot of things apparently. Don't let the picture of Sunrise Adams on the cover entice you to even pick up the game box, this game will kill you. Even if you are a fan of new Jack, and even though he claims that Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood will be the b...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You Will Have a Better Time Stabbing Icepicks Through Your Eyes 0

     Backyard Wrestling 2 is a good idea on paper. Why the cover entices you to play. What could be better than playing as your favorite hardcore wrestlers, looking at porn stars, and listening to ICP? Well, a lot of things apparently. Don't let the picture of Sunrise Adams on the cover entice you to even pick up the game box, this game will kill you. Even if you are a fan of new Jack, and even though he claims that Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood will be the best game...

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Up All Night At Hotel Dusk 0

      Sometimes a game comes around that isn't big on people's radar but once it is played it will knock your teeth out. Hotel Dusk is one such game. The game isn't big and flashy but it has it's own sense of style and personality enough to let it stand alone with the big boys.      Hotel Dusk is kind of a throwback to the adventure games of the 1990s. In it you take control of Kyle Hyde, a former detective now door to door salesman working for a company called Red Crown. He's searching for his...

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In the Future Robots Won't Make You Cooler 0

     In the not so distant future wars are fought with armored mechs, or “Wanzers.” In this game you get to see what these Wanzers can do firsthand as you will be fighting many a battle with them. The real question is, will this game be able to keep your interest long enough for you finish the war?       The year is 2096 and armies use giant armored mechs called wanzers to fight their wars. The European Community founded a military research group for developing and assessing tactics for the E.C....

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Changing History One Game at A Time 0

      In 2007 Assassin's Creed was a much anticipated game that met mixed criticism. It felt like the building blocks were there but the pieces never really fell into place. It was a good starting point for a series that could only get better. Assassin's Creed II is the sequel to that game and is a great improvement over the first game. While the first game felt like a core story wrapped around several mini games the sequel feels like a full fleshed out game, an improvement in every area. Assass...

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Hot Times in the Middle East 0

      Very few games take place in 1100 AD. In fact I can only think of one game that does, Assassin's Creed. The setting alone makes Assassin's Creed a very special game, but other than that the game is a success on a number of other levels. The game has a strong story, great gameplay, and stellar graphics. The game is kind of shallow but very ambitious, a great starting point for this franchise.       In Assassin's Creed you play as two characters. One character is Desmond Miles. Miles is a ...

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The Sequel That is a Prequel 0

     Halo Reach is the 5th game in the Halo universe. It is a prequel that sets up the events leading up to the first Halo. This is also the last Halo game that Bungie will develop. With Bungie's final farewell they went out with a bang improving the game in every way possible. However, if you were never a fan of Halo this game won't change your mind but if you are a fan (you've probably already played it) and haven't played it yet you will enjoy it.      The single player campaign is great and ...

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A Very Special Episode 0

      A dense fog dwells in the darkness. It shrouds the landscape. A crow cries out but the fog is more audible than the bird. Out of the gloom a figure emerges. It has only one goal in mind, to lop off your head with a razor sharp sickle. In Alan Wake such scenario's happen quite often. When this game was first unveiled in 2005 no one had any idea where this game was going except for that it looked really good. Now that it has been released it is apparent that those five years were well spent....

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Laura is Back With A New Coat of Paint 0

        In 1996 gamers were introduced to Laura Croft and the Tomb Raider series. Eleven years and one developer later Tomb Raider Anniversary was released as a celebration of the series. The game isn't just a remake, it's a re-envisioned game. The characters, story, and locales are the same but the graphics, controls, and gameplay make it feel like a whole new game.       The story of the game remains the same. However, now you will be able to understand the story since it isn't told in such an...

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A colorful name for a drab title. 0

      Spectral Force 3 is a strategy role-playing game developed by Idea Factory and published by Atlus. It is hard to believe this game was brought out in 2008 (2006 in Japan) because it is so behind the curve in every aspect that games that came ten years before this game not only look better but play better. The game doesn't try to innovate or bring many new ideas to the table and it doesn't even try to rip off concepts from better games which is a problem because even if it did rip off other...

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Unleash the force, unleash the fun. 0

       When one reads the title “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed” they can expect two things. The game will be set in the Star Wars universe and that you will unleash the force on some imperial scum. What might not be evident is if the game will be a good star wars licensed game or not. Well, as it turns out, the game is good. The game is worthy of the star wars name and you do unleash some force on some imperial weaklings.      The story in The Force Unleashed is very strong. The story and actin...

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