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E3 2011, Why must you tease?

So E3 is back again and once more I'm filled with games of all shapes and sizes. The question remains though on what those promises will eventually turn to be. The following is a list, in no particular order, of my most anticipated games for various reasons.

List items

  • After having such a blast in Uncharted 2, this game has high expectations from me.

  • I was a little socked at the huge change from RPG to a more so action oriented game in ME2. Nevertheless, ME2 was a great game and I'm expecting much from its sequel.

  • I loved every moment of the first Darksiders, and hope that the next in the series can live up to the huge cliffhanger that its predecessor left off on.

  • One of my favorite stealth series of all time, I have high hopes for stabbin' dudes dressed like a chicken in this sequel.

  • After the stage demo I have high hopes for this game. Never playing a Far Cry game before, this will hopefully be a fresh experience for me.

  • A sequel to another game I haven't played but heard much of, I'm looking forward to what Arkham City has to offer.

  • Still need to play Brotherhood, but can't wait to see what Revelations has to offer. With Altair in the mix with old Ezio, this should be a great closer to the trilogy within the series.

  • As a fan of phat beats, can't wait to pull out my Wii for this one.

  • And who can forget about BF3? After recently getting a new computer, I can't wait to stress it with this beauty and have a generally good time.

  • Well I didn't see that coming. Either way, this should be an enjoyable game and if not at least it should be an interesting trilogy sequel.

  • While I personally don't own a Kinect, the barrage of videos and streams of people making fools of themselves is always an event to look forward too, even from our very own Giant Bomb.

  • It goes without saying that Saints Row 1 and 2 were a pair of my favorite open world games. It seems like Saints Row The Third is already heading in the right direction, and I can't wait for more.

  • Oddly enough, I never even finished Bioshock and never even began Bioshock 2. Regardless, the setting of Infinite looks like a thrill ride to remember.

  • As a man that beat every single one of those Endurance races, I can't wait to hit the road in Forza 4

  • While I'm hesitant on the quick time events while getting out of the car, I'm not exactly opposed to some more cinematic experiences in a fast paced driving game.