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How to Dismantle a Bomb

Pics from the Great Sausalito Exodus. 

 Vinny and Ryan recording the last Quick Look to be shot in Sausalito, Wipeout.
 Vinny and Ryan recording the last Quick Look to be shot in Sausalito, Wipeout.

 The green screen comes down, revealing some ancient design docs (on the expo board).
 The green screen comes down, revealing some ancient design docs (on the expo board).

 Everything is in boxes, but Vinny feels like he's forgetting something.
 Everything is in boxes, but Vinny feels like he's forgetting something.

 There we go.
 There we go.

 The scene as we left the office. Now everything is in the hands of the movers (Luchadeer was brought to the new office with an advance team, to ensure the movers' safety).
 The scene as we left the office. Now everything is in the hands of the movers (Luchadeer was brought to the new office with an advance team, to ensure the movers' safety).