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  • emnii posted a message in the forum topic The remastered version of PO'ed costing $20 is proof we have strayed too far from the light of God. on the PO'ed board

    @bigsocrates: Package Kileak, Epidemic, and BRAHMA Force. Maybe throw in a little Robotica as a bonus. I will buy that package for $20, easy.I have been tempted by Balan. It can sit next to my LOTR: G...

  • emnii posted a message in the forum topic The remastered version of PO'ed costing $20 is proof we have strayed too far from the light of God. on the PO'ed board

    I never played PO'ed when it was new. I read plenty about why PO'ed was bad back then. When I heard about the Nightdive remaster, I checked out the PSX port. It felt bad to play and I wrote it off as...

  • emnii followed ALBUMMER! .
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii posted a new image.
  • emnii followed Unprofessional Fridays .
  • emnii posted a message on the post Sonic Central.

    For all the technical hurdles the GB team have had to endure, I think this talk over stream worked out perfectly. It was mixed well and felt natural. Also, Jan's hosting was fantastic!

  • emnii wrote a review of The Sinking City (Digital Necronomicon Edition).
    Flawed but fun, until the end

    There is a big qualification on this mildly positive. The Sinking City is a flawed game. It has a lot of tedious running around town. The action is terrible. Some of the side quests are good, and som...

  • emnii wrote a review of Hyper Light Drifter.
    Better than Hard Zelda

    Hyper Light Drifter is a game that looked cool on Kickstarter, but I passed on backing it. Then it came out and it still looked cool, but I'd read a lot of comparisons to Zelda and notes on high diffi...

  • emnii wrote a review of Hacknet.
    Hack the planet

    Way back when, there was this cool game called Uplink. It was a hacking simulator. You bounce your connection off of hacked machines, hide your steps, steal data. It was sort of close to how real hack...

  • emnii wrote a review of Mark of the Ninja.
    2D stealth perfection

    When Mark of the Ninja came out, it got a lot of positive attention. Klei was well-known for the Shank games, but Mark of the Ninja was supposed to be head and shoulders above it. I bought it and pla...

  • emnii wrote a review of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
    Fun on the high seas

    I knew it would take me some time to get through AC4, and it did. There were times when I wanted to stop playing, not because the game is difficult, but because it got real tedious in the middle. I'v...