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I prefer the Automobilista series to the Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport these days.

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Theory on how is Forza Horizon 5 releasing before Gran Turismo 7 and Forza Motorsport Reboot?

Hello and welcome to my blog!

Only about 6 more days until the launch of Forza Horizon 5.

In case you were wondering how is Forza Horizon 5 going to be released before Gran Turismo 7 and Forza Motorsport Reboot? so here is my theory:

  • Forza Horizon is an arcade open-world driving game series while Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport series are both simcades.
  • Open-world driving games featuring performance cars are meant to be more focused on arcade-style handling models like Forza Horizon, Test Drive Unlimited, The Crew, and many others, so the handling model directors and programmers don't have to work so hard to get it so accurate as possible to the real-world car handling plus they're meant to be more focused on the fun factor.
  • Simcade is a type of sim racing that features a more realistic handling model than the majority of other sub-genres of driving games (Except for hardcore Sim Racing) which results in the handling model directors and programmers being required to work harder to get the car handling more accurate as close as possible to the real world.

However, I'm not going to compare that to these two because due to different sub-genres that offer different gameplay.

So what are the best comparisons for the Forza Horizon series?

  • The answer is always Test Drive Unlimited and The Crew series because they're open-world driving games and feature similar gameplay.

Bonus theory: How did the Forza Horizon series exist?

  • Neither Turn 10 nor Playground Games thought of this idea to attract different kinds of car lovers to play because not every one of them likes motorsport racing as they would prefer street racing, or those who love both motorsports and street racing.

P.S. I'm hoping Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is going to be good too.