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Average score of 2 user reviews

Retroview: Beneath a Steel Sky. 0

Some say it never actually died, but somewhere around the turn of the millennium the drought of mainstream enthusiasm for adventure titles had taken it's toll. The decade-long, golden age of 'point and click' had ended, ironically marked with the release of LucasArts' Grim Fandango--which sold poorly despite widespread acclaim. The swelling cries of 'I told you so,' by those that smugly held on can be heard as the genre is set to make a return in (what I can only hope will be) a certifiable zomb...

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Splinter Cell: Conviction Review 0

When I first played through the main story a few months ago, the brevity of the game left me with a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth. But having not played the co-op campaign until recently, I couldn’t help feel like I hadn’t give the package as a whole a fair shake. Hence this late review. The fifth Splinter Cell game in the series follows super-spy Sam Fisher as he breaks away from his longtime employers, the shadowy Third Echelon, in a bid to find answers about the events surrounding hi...

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