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@bigsocrates: most definitely influence runs on both ends. From Ultima to Dragon Quest and so on. Still, I think there’s always a pendulum swing. I’d wager the period of the 90s both WRPGs and JRPGs were making significant games, yet the JRPG was at the forefront of games. 03-15 it’s the WRPG. Currently I would argue that the JRPG is more robust and is selling at an all time high (Pokémon & Elden Ring are selling like gangbusters). I do feel the JRPG crowed simply got pushed around when the JRPG wasn’t as hip. The issue I had was how the discussion was centered on how JRPG (the term) and critiques were somehow racist.

Personally, I disagree with such an argument (from what I saw).

From what I gathered on Twitter, I felt it was mostly centered on the idea that the JRPG had become uncool. The examples shown of the media laughing or calling them “dated” is very much gaming media/audience. Even today they meme the shit out of games. Just look at how Horizon and Ubisoft games have sort of become a laughing stock in terms of their design philosophy (even though they sell a ton). Again, I think whatever is “hip” swings every couple of years.

I know we’ll see this discussion of RPGs when Final Fantasy 16 and Starfield come out. In other words, I feel the “racism” angle regarding the term JRPG is overblown and simply about “I like JRPGs more than WRPGs”.

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#2  Edited By LinkArterius

Regarding the “JRPG” discussion, I found it odd that critique was being labeled racism. Humor in general (those XPlay bits) can be a tough pill to swallow. Personally, the humor I saw was very juvenile and of the times, nothing remotely crazy, but the critique aspect was the thing that stood out to me. Many, pointing to BioWare Co-founder Greg Zeschuk comments on how “JRPGs” were stagnant as being somehow racist. Personally, I take objection to that. I also don’t think people straight calling “JRPGs” trash as anything weird either. The period in question 2000-2015 saw the rise of the western rpg on console. In other words, peoples taste simply differed. Many preferred (and still do), in the west, games like Mass Effect and Fallout 3 to Persona 4 for example (all three coming out in a span of a year 07-08).

As bigsocrates pointed out, the Japanese output of games were very much praised as a whole. So I don’t believe Japanese games were being left behind (considering RE4 was many peoples game of the decade (my personal choice), I think Japan did just fine). Which brings me to the “JRPGs” of the day and compare them to the current crop of “JRPGs.” I find that Zeschuk’s comments echoing with truth as the current “JRPG” was heavily influenced by western ideals in terms of design and action imo (Skyrim/Bethesda being a major source of influence with their open worlds and real time combat). In other words, the “JRPG” modernized with the times. Long gone are the days of Final Fantasy 13 and Lost Odyssey (classics, but games that were criticized (by JRPG fans I should add) for being ‘old fashioned’ in a lot of ways).

Ultimately, I don’t see the term “JRPG” as anything less, rather a sub genre to RPGs. Final Fantasy can be called an RPG and it would make sense. It can also be called JRPG and make as much sense (and then some) I think. Similarly, Skyrim can be called a Western RPG and I think people would get it. It would make sense. At the end both games are RPGs, but it’s simply a way to get to the thick of things.