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Average score of 3 user reviews

Blast off into a Galaxy sized Adventure 0

     With the name Super Mario Galaxy in the title Super Mario Galaxy 2 had a lot to live up too. As you can tell from my five star rating it not only lives up to its predecessor but overcomes it. It has the same mechanics, gameplay and look as Super Mario Galaxy did while introducing new power-ups, new level navigation similar to that of Super Mario 3 as well as Yoshi. The story starts out as any Mario game should, your on your way to go eat some cake Peach has made for you when instead you fin...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

RE5 is everything I was hoping it would be...besides the ammo 2

Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the best games on the PS2 immediately went on everyones wish list; even the ones who had not played the other resident evil games. The game was the talk of everyone who had a mic on xbox live but would it hold up to the standards placed for it? My answer is yes! The gameplay is pretty cool as you play as either Chris Redfield (Player 1) or Sheva Alemar (Player 2) of the BSAA as they set out on a mission to stop some terrorists that are believed to be in poss...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The funnest, glitchiest xbox live arcade game I've played 0

The one thing that really stood out too me when I was cruisin the marketplace was the fact that it was 4 player coop over a local connection. I don't know about other people but coop makes games 10 times better and a 4 player coop is rare. The game has great, loud, but great music. The artwork is very unique and makes the whole experience less serious, more funny and enjoyable. The level up system is great because allies can't steal your kill because its based off of how many hits you made, not ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.