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Remembering the Day We Lost Ryan Davis

It's been exactly one year since Ryan passed. I remember that day for something horrific happening in proximity to me. I take two buses to get to work and on that day at the 2nd bustop the stoop that I typically wait on was occupied by some teenage girls talking to a friend of theirs' who was standing on the sidewalk. I didn't think anything of it at the time so I just sat somewhere else. Without warning a 3 car accident happens right in front of me. I was miraculously unscathed and the girls on the stoop were nearly pinned by a car, but one of the drivers and the girl standing on the sidewalk died shortly thereafter. Had I been where I normally sat at the stop my legs surely would have been crushed or worse I may have died.

Sufficed to say there was a heavy weight hanging over me for the next day or so. I felt as though I was spared but that my karma had to claim something from me. I needed something to take my mind off of what I had seen so I went to Giant Bomb that Monday, stoked to see what they had planned, and that's when the news hits. Now I don't feel responsible for it going down the way it did and this could just be me trying to look for meaning in something so senseless as death. But it really instills how impossibly tragic a day like that is. You have a girl who hasn't even gotten the chance to become an adult and a man who was beloved and who reached an apex of happiness by his last dying breath.

So how can I find hope in something so dismal? Well I keep coming back to Giant Bomb and there was still content being made. I mean say what you will about the quality or quantity but these guys were making it happen. I kept having a smile on my face when I come to this website every week and every time I think about Ryan Davis I have a smile on my face. I'm never going to forget that dude because he helped build an awesome website where I can see all his greatest work both on and off camera. It may not be the same without him but it's always got something to keep me coming back. It's an experimental phase that's happening right now but I have to believe that dudes like Vinny and Jeff have some great ideas on how to make things bigger and better.

Today I plan on watching some videos and listening to podcasts featuring Ryan. I'll probably just be listening to Pretty Angry. If I had the know-how I'd totally make a tribute video for Ryan to that song.