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Edited By OSail

Best of luck to Jeff Gerstmann and the staff at Giant Bomb. Thanks to the site for hosting Jeff saying "garage?!" in a faux-London accent at random intervals.

Wow at the lack of applied human PR knowledge shown in this post, though. Or maybe it's HR and marketing directives applied logic to a PR statement, that always sucks in businesses.

The site has been in strange spaces for several years so this isn't such a shock, but Giant Bomb without any of the founding members is a bit of a shell, especially with the lacking output and brief (former?) reliance on third parties to round out the site.

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I'd honestly prefer Giant Bomb do something about promoting fantastic writing and studies of media, rather than 2008 style mockery of clueless folk who think they understand films. It's been done, and it sucked then and is beyond pointless now. Mocking annoying umbrellas of people is something I'm less of a fan of as a grown up, I'd rather have people putting up non-"parody" (I mean, people consider Scary Movie a parody still, I suppose, so this fits...) work they are proud of.

I know, I know, it's their site, but if thid party season video series is the aim, I'd like if people with less of a name (who aren't already in the phone book of staff, possibly) could be brought in. Supporting much lesser known creative people is great, though I fully understand that it won't bring across any fans of the people/teams behind these series which is sorta...the point, I guess.

Anyway. The three minutes writing this comment probably wasn't worth the effort, I know.

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Ah that's a shame. Not a fan of Two Minutes To Late Night at all. I know it's probably me being from anywhere that isn't North America and knowing music, but this sounds actively bad as a concept. Using critical response of larger acts as a measurement of quality of art is always frustratingly basic, and the late 00s internet media feel of this doesn't inspire confidence.

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This is brilliant fun. Tamoor is fantastic, and the chemistry with Danny is so clear.

Not a huge fan of Demon Souls (it's fine!) but I'll definitely be watching the series going forward.

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Edited By OSail

This is a pity as Josef Fares' prior games, while often a little weak in very key gameplay and over-simplification of themes areas, were pretty good and iterating on somewhat new gimmick ideas. I'd take A Way Out and Brothers over this any day, still. With that being said the actual levels look quite fun as a relaxing co-op platformer, and I'm a sucker for anything which visually reminds me of The Borrowers or Micro Machines. But with the very overdone theme/character approach it's definitely a deterrent.

'Is there any way we could take a lot of The Borrowers and make it distressingly irritating, and a complete anti-education this could provide to children and young people related to relationship deterioration?' I mean, for a game which feels like it's made for a younger audience it's just a bit...tacky?

I do wish there were more full on voice actors and less actors-as-voice actors used in bigger budget media and art too, but that's a greater issue across all of things.

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Edited By OSail



And the aspect of Artists Being Paid (as an artist who has been ripped off more than a few times on commission and compositions, who also releases creative commons music to help people without cash for art in projects/in general) is nonsense once you get a sense of scale, too.

The problem is the monetary system we have to work in. Money is more important than life in it. And one of the (smaller, but spoken of) issues which causes the lack of support for the right of smaller creatives who aren't involved in things like the grotesque Disney sphere (to mention one of a few) once you follow it through.

It is awful. And as @michaelpeterson said I don't begrudge people wanting to "own" things, but (again, as an entirely digital artist at this point) there is no non-author based ethical or physical ownership of digital things if you share them around, unfortunately. Like Jeff said, even most of our IDs can be found, websites exist to create databases on where we've lived all our lives with contact info etc, so nothing else is off limits either. There might be what amounts to an exclusive license as is the case here, but those aren't worth a damn outside of a court of law (but rarely outside the mega rich corps), and that speaks to how fucked the copyright industry is (see: Disney and similar monopolies).

Paying your favourites some money in a new way may seem great, but you could pay them any other way which isn't as inherently fucked up and destructive. Most payment methods are also fucked up and destructive of course, but not on the same publicly researchable level as whatever this is nowadays. No good comes from this, and if a person believes there could be given the precedents set in recent history, then their naivety, insincerity, and/or ignorance speaks volumes.

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Oooh, Project Elite mention! I still play the 2016 Artipia/Drawlab release + expansions and adore it still because it's one of the best board games I've played in my entire life. A better Aliens merc game than any official Aliens game (even the pretty cool 1989 Aliens board game...) too.

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I think the Final Fantasy 7 Remake soundtrack being dropped is fair, and even if it wasn't, far better arrangements of the pieces (original and re-interpretations over the past 20 years) exist that have been widely praised.

Cool to see the Risk Of Rain 2 soundtrack get such a major bunch of praise, one of the few soundtracks on the list that actually feels like it represents the game while containing an essence beyond a commission, where the production/mastering doesn't seem to stifle things in the typically modern smoothed out way.

Some great contextually 'in the game it works, less so elsewhere without full context from another source' soundtracks mentioned too like Spiritfarer and Ori.

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Thanks for your input on the site, Abby, you'll be missed and I hope a new exciting & fulfilling opportunity comes your way soon! 13 Deadly Sims, the Halloween gameplay sessions with Vinny, and Sea Beasts were some of my favourite things on the site over the last few years.

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I've been loving these streams the last few months, so much so it's made me upgrade to Rock Band 4 and find a few instruments before they get even pricier.

It's great, but I do miss the fantastic pro keys from Rock Band 3. Ah well, I guess that's the benefit of having 2 systems worth of instruments. The downside is having to store them on top of random shelves...

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