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@snail said:

Patrick this whole John Carpenter x Giant Bomb thing you've pulled together is the most awesome thing you've ever done for the site, and I hope you keep iterating on it. Maybe one day you'll have a full on audio interview!

I keep asking, but it always gets pushed to email. Maybe one day!

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@bawalo said:

Thanks, Patrick! Is Shocktober week 3 coming up?

Yes...I missed the roundup last week but we'll get it tomorrow.

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@aktivity said:

Just a note @patrickklepek the aspect ratio is actually 2.5:1.

Digital Foundry: Only 71 per cent of the screen's real estate is actually used for gameplay - and the aspect ratio utilised is actually a higher 2.5:1 rather than the 'cinematic' 2.35:1.

Huh! Thanks.

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i like how many people think twitter is some vacuum where you can just spew any inane supposedly private thoughts you have. maybe it feels like some weird grey area that people don't think pertains to their professional life in the slightest, but i think more and more it's turning out to not be that way.

btw wrote this while on the can #ericpoop

It's actually the secretly insidious thing about social networking in general. We're given the illusion of participating in a walled garden, when, in reality, they're doing whatever they can to expose us.

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@renpatsu said:

Great interview. Doesn't seem like the answers were mangled at all in the process and both came off as being extremely open to discussing their inspirations and motivations for Project Scissors.

Yeah, it's definitely the best answers I've ever received back for an email interview with a Japanese developer.

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I was a big fan of the original Clock Tower on the SNES and I am super excited about Project Scissors. Thanks for doing this awesome interview, there was not a lot of information about this game when it was announced so it is nice to see such a detailed article about the project.

On a nitpicky note, I'm not sure why you mentioned the WonderSwan port in the interview's introduction. The way it's worded makes it sound like that version was released at the same time as SNES original, when in fact the WonderSwan port came out 4 years later. First Fear was released on the PC and PlayStation way before the WonderSwan port so I'm not sure why you chose to highlight that version.

Sorry for being that fact-correction guy but I wrote the wiki page for the game so I can't help it.

Your attention to detail is appreciated. Fixed!

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@yummylee said:

So... I assume Patrick himself decides if and when an article is cross-posted onto the forums? And that this isn't just a... thing that sometimes happens on its own.

It's a manual thing triggered in our backend. I was on the road all day, so I didn't have an opportunity to have it link to the forums.

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@joshuan said:

But if its your site, make it what you want it to be. It doesn't have to be for everyone. The world does not have to be this completely sanitized thing.

I am not a big fan of the social issue stuff, so I don't read your stuff Patrick. That doesn't mean you should stop writing it, or make it more in line with my beliefs, or that i hate you; it doesn't mean shit. It just means I don't like it.

I just wanna say I really appreciate your approach to this stuff. Thank you. :)

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I think that part of what murderbunny might be getting at is that, if someone is getting basically universal praise from your peers, then writing a piece which is positive towards them seems "safe" and kind of like the writer is just joining the choir. I totally get what you're saying though - that you get a lot of flak for some of the pieces you write from readers (I heard you ruined GB singlehandedly! ;)), so they're not at all "safe" in the sense that you're writing something which will get you nothing but props from people who read it.

The other thing I think murderbunny is saying is - if you look at someone like Anita Sarkeesian, one would generally think that at least someone who writes for a game website would disagree with her arguments (and write about that), just by sheer probability. But that hasn't really happened (not on any sites I follow, at least), which makes it easy to start writing off the people who praise her work as being a chorus of yes-men simply because you haven't seen any dissenting opinions. I think that your point is totally fair that as a writer, you're going to write from a perspective that is colored by your own opinions on things. It's unavoidable, and I don't think it's any writer's fault that they do so. But I also can understand the frustration that can result from feeling (albeit unfairly) that "man, all these writers are tripping over themselves to agree with Anita, and nobody actually critically examines her arguments and points out the flaws in them" (or any other controversial figure, of course, not trying to single out one person in particular here).

I think you see mostly unanimous praise for Anita's work because it's largely unprecedented. It's A New Idea. That takes time to sink in. I hadn't uttered the word feminism in a serious context until a few years ago. My views on many things will probably change a few years from now, once I've learned more and had a chance to process more. I mean, there's already plenty of challenges to Anita's viewpoints about Bayonetta. Lots of women view Bayonetta as a strong, sexually-empowered character, but Anita doesn't. That seems pretty divergent!

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#10  Edited By patrickklepek

@cagliostro88 said:

@patrickklepek said:

Let's remember that the vast majority of Eron's post is slut shaming,

Patrick you're really misusing the term "slut-shaming" here. It's without a doubt that people used the zoepost to slutshame Zoe Quinn, but that's not what the zoepost is. To say "we didn't have a open relationship and you cheated on me" it's not slut shaming, any third-wave feminist can tell you that. He never condemns the sexual coduct of Zoe beyond the breaking of her "relationship contract" (as in, this is a monogamous relationship, ergo having multiple partners is in contradiction with that). People saying "what a *derogatory insult to women and their free sexual conduct*, look with how many people she had a relationship", that is full on slut shaming, and what happened a lot after the zoepost broke out

edit. I say this as someone who believes in a polyamorous lifestyle (and conduct himself in a way according to this), i know very well the difficulties of understanding something like this

I suppose I'm talking about the immediate fallout, which was almost entirely based around slut shaming. Zoe was never even given a chance to respond. People just assumed Eron was right. For elements of GamerGate to cry hypocrisy when their "side" of the argument isn't given equal measure, when was Zoe given a chance to respond? When was Zoe given an opportunity to defend herself? Besides the fact that she shouldn't have had to defend herself in the court of public opinion against such charges, she was never given such an opportunity. Eron coined the "five guys" term that became so popular in videos, including one that has nearly one million views on YouTube right now. (It's probably over that right now, but I don't want to give it a click.) Who coins a phrase for how an ex acted, and posts it to a place like 4chan? Eron continued to interact with the leaders of GamerGate, even prior to its branding, and helped them orchestrate how to act in public.