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E3 Predictions List

List items

  • 3 new Natal games from Rare, Killer Instinct, a Viva Pinata Party Game and a mario kart style racing game

  • Goes Multi-platform Insomniac come on stage during the Mircosoft Press Conference and announce a new online focussed action adventure game

  • Slimline Xbox day and date with project Natal released early October, bundled Natal and "Super Microsoft Avatar Crazy Fun Game" and will cost $99

  • Zelda announced at the end of the Nintendo press conference return to Cell Shaded style of Wind Waker, Wii motion plus for one to one sword swinging. Second player can control Navi with a wiimote

  • Sony announce new downloadable Uncharted game for August 3-4 hours of gameplay bridges the gap between Uncharted 2 and 3

  • Nolan North the game announced by THQ you play as Nolan North fighting the forces of evil

  • Sony will spend more time in their press briefing talking about 3D than Playstation Move and a portion of their briefing will require the audience to use 3D glasses

  • Valve will show off an early preview of Counter Strike 2, dun dun der

  • Nintendo 3DS will be unveiled with the usual franchises in 3D the highlights will be 3DS Sports - Tennis balls coming out of screen and New super mario bros 3DS

  • Microsoft will have at least one major Wii franchise that will be coming to Natal in a big way my money is on Rayman Raving Rabbids, though maybe Just Dance or EA Sports Active