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Free Friday Winners! Oh, and Iron Man Screening Room


  Figured I would drop by to let those of you who entered's Free Friday that we picked a couple of winners. I think that was about as many comments as we've had on a story in the last long while, so thanks for swinging by (assuming you did). 
Also, in case you don't go over to Screened all that often, feel free to come by for tomorrow's Screening Room, where we'll be watching Iron Man. We don't stream the movie, but it's available on Netflix now so it should be easy to access for most of you. Tomorrow at 4 PM PST! Be there or be square. 

Free Fridays on

Hey duders. In case you didn't know, we've been doing Free Fridays on as often as the other sites have, but I want to get back in the groove of doing them every week. If you guys want to sign up (since you have fancy multi-passes now), feel free to head to this link and post a comment. It's that easy!
And to curtail the questions, we'll probably do another Rorcraft sometime soon, maybe next week. Leveling in the Beta is incredibly slow, but now that you can copy over lvl 85 characters, it's a bit easier to explore the high-end content.