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#1  Edited By Splitterguy

But don't you feel like we have enough over the top open world games? I mean, that's pretty much all video games do is be over the top. For my part I liked GTA4 so much because, though that game did not resemble a reality anywhere near our world, it felt real. Same thing with protagonists for me - it just seems so much more interesting to me to follow a protagonist that is morally centered but does awful things anyways (though I don't think Niko Bellick was unlikable by any means, he's easily the most complex and well written Rockstar protagonist to date) because no one in the industry is really doing that. Anyway, from your description, it kind of just sounds like you want to play games like Saints Row. I think GTA4 was more trying to be a successful drama and satire than a game where you look at the shiny explosions and whatnot, and GTA5 will probably do the same.

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#2  Edited By Splitterguy

I say all this considering the "yes" responses from people who qualify their answer, or who explain that human sexuality is not a reason to play a game. We play so many games because they have new and interesting ways of making things explode - wouldn't playing a game that explores the human sexual experience in a mature, intellectual way be more interesting than putting yet another white circle in front of a generic bad guy and pulling the right trigger? I would seek out a game about homosexuality before I'd consider buying another generic power fantasy.

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#3  Edited By Splitterguy

I think posting on an internet video game forum about how you wouldn't be comfortable playing a gay character is kind of sad. Is your sexuality so fragile that even seeing digital, interpreted, simulated homosexuality makes you uncomfortable? I'm suddenly reminded of why games aren't as forward-thinking as they should be; 12 year-old boys with internet access form a distressingly loud part of the gaming audience. I'd ask the question I usually ask in these situations (give me a solid reason why homosexuality upsets you, other than the generic "it's not right") but I have an idea of the responses I'd get.

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#4  Edited By Splitterguy
@GlenTennis: Lady's can't talk to each other on the internet without being lesbians?  Also, I didn't realize the love story was about a girl online or even about a person until later on.  I had initially assumed it was a love story about technology itself (which in my opinion it still is).  Just flip the situation in your head.  Imagine if the person you were talking to on the internet was a dude and you were referred to as a daughter even though your name was, say, Bradley.  It would give you pause, probably, unless you knew what gender you were playing as before-hand and most people don't.  I find that a little weird.  It's not a huge deal though.  It's not like I can expect a small, independent title released for free on the internet to somehow be absolutely perfect and have a choice in gender.  It would be cool if it kept track of whether you were a dude or a lady based on your real name, though.
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#5  Edited By Splitterguy
@GlenTennis: The difference with that is that your avatar on-screen is a woman.  In this case, for all intents and purposes, you could assume you were a lady (assuming you named yourself a lady) until a certain point in the story.  Imagine if you chose dude shepard and then when he spoke he had a lady's voice.  It's kind of like that.  Again, this is a very minor issue!  I'm just discussing the game.  We cool, fans of Digital: A Love Story!  We cool.
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#6  Edited By Splitterguy
@CornBREDX: To clarify, I think it's a great story.  The internet has jaded you guys into thinking I'm making a critique when I'm not. Don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying this is a game-breaking thing or anything like that.   I just didn't know if the game addressed different genders.  That's all.
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#7  Edited By Splitterguy
@LordXavierBritish: Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem except that you are playing with your own name as a part of the immersion.  That ruins it, sort of, unless you know you're playing as a dude before you start.
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#8  Edited By Splitterguy

Kind of a bummer then, I guess.  About the story not working, not about the vagina, I mean.

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#9  Edited By Splitterguy

My girlfriend wants to play through this game, which made me realize that the story wouldn't make any sense... 

Any ideas on how this works?
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#10  Edited By Splitterguy

I started to check out some of the facebook/twitter automatic updates for games like Uncharted 2, and most especially iphone games, and find it to be annoying and useless as hell (then again I'm not a huge fan of Facebook or Twitter anyway).  Are gamers interested in updating their facebook with game statuses?  If the Iphone tends to have more games with facebook updates because it's more casual, does that prove that gamers aren't interested in social network updates?  Do you think Facebook is changing games in some way, or are features like these just indicative of a shifting social scene?  I'd like to hear from people who are interested in this.  Also, what does the GB community think of games that are literally built for Facebook, like Farmville?  Are these games a clever and positive way of targeting casual gamers, or are they just marketing produced crap?  Discuss. 
(I'm gathering information for a university project, so any input on this subject anyone is willing to give will be very greatly appreciated.  Thanks!)