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Stay in the woods. Stay green. Stay safe.

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Whats Wrong With The Bomb?

I cant seem to edit my Giant Bomb profile?! I´m trying to change my email and console preferance but every time I click save it just reverts to the old ones. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just this crappy mexican computer im using??

Apart from that i´m loving GiantBomb so APOLOGIES for taking the jam out of the Giant Doughnut.


It begins...

So this is my new blog. I have blogged elsewhere on the Internet, mainly on IGN - but I have always been a big fan of the giant bomb crew and so i´m moving here to show my support. (nobody mention "G***spot").

GiantBomb. Its a whole new Internet phonemenon.

Anyways my profile is full of wonderful information about myself. And as an introduction to my blog itself I would just like to point out that this blog will never be "Teh Bestest blog ev@r". Never. Such attempts at internet popularity will be frowned upon. From a distance. This blog will be a place to explore both concepts and design elements of video games. As well as an occassional place to rave about zombies.


So far so good GiantBomb. I´m looking forward to spending many a happy hour in the bomb shelter. (We dont call it the bomb shelter!) Jeff Gerstmann I salute you.