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Games That I'm still Fond of.

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  • This was special to me because it was the first game I played were you could do an endless loop of counters moves, if two skilled players played of course.

  • This was the first game that I paid $100 for from Japan first day release in High school. I still play it on my PS1. It was two games in one and it had a mad move list. The only problem some characters were given fireball move, this almost broke the game.

  • This was one of my first PS1 games. I loved it because I loved the button layout. LP RP LK RK.

  • I won several local tourneys playing this. In 2000, we had a tourney on a Navy ship and I was whooping but with Paul.

  • Still one of my favorite games. Well at less I remember tailing people and sneaking in building to set bugs. This game was way ahead of its time.

  • I was trying to get my Covert Action fix ever since I erased the floppy disk, I discovered this at my local Electronic Boutique in the under $10 section.

  • Need I say more.

  • I still can't beat this game.

  • I enjoyed this game but I never beat it.

  • I loved the gore in this game. I felt like I was deceiving my parents because this was before the ESRB.

  • This game kept me sitting in front of my computer for years. I loved the mods and I loved the community. BTW unscripted battles, sometimes you could when without firing a shot (if you hid well enough.)

  • When I heard OP Flashpoint was coming out for the Xbox, I purchased one when it launched. Four to five years later this is what they give me. It wasn't good but it still has more features than Dragon Rising. For example, I can create my own scenario and play them online.

  • If you can find this GET it. It was my favorite CDX game for the Genesis.

  • Arcade Classic for me. I loved the first person mini game. It was color porn for my eyes growing up.

  • Clichéd

  • Mirror Courses, 360 drifts, posting low times, unlockable cars, what more do you want?

  • Tengen at there best. I loved this in the arcade and even more on the genesis. I thought the graphics weren't ever going to get any better. Well of course, as usual I was wrong.

  • This is what game could learn from still today. I loved the challenge and the idea of instant death. Limbo anyone?

  • This should be on everyone's list. It was/is an awesome simple game. When this epidemic was sweeping through the U.S.; Game Boy were not just for kids.

  • Before Persona was cool on the GB (or hated), I was playing this game on the PS1 and loving every bit of it. This was good game. I spent months on it.

  • My favorite middle school trajectory game; all grown up and made cute.

  • This was when corporations were still trying to get a foot into the rap game and now they have taken it over.

  • This was fun in the arcade. I was still young and wondering what the future was going to be for cars. I was hoping they could turn into boats and produce smoke screens by now. Well, egg on my face.

  • After Wipeout this was one of my favorites. I want another for Next Gen.

  • I rememer first playing this on the demo disc. I was hooked, I play that one track for days and weeks. I learned everything about this game from one track, so that when I got it I was pretty good. BTW, awesome soundtrack.