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Nope, i have accumulated a backlog and there are some games I will never get to. Rarely does anything cut the line.

FF7R was the last game i bought and played immediately.

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Yeah, I started watching Giant Bomb stuff off and on since 2010, but I never really went full on until GBEast started. I listened to them on a frequent basis. The west/east dynamic was very fun, because of the limited interaction until E3/GOTY, and then it became like a cool comic book crossover. 2015-2019 was peak Giant Bomb for me, personally. I still listened to the Bombcast, but GBeast was my jam. I obviously will replace GBEast with the Bombcast, but that is just going to be so strange without Brad doing hosting duties.

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Yeah, a little. It has been a weird transition during "post-covid" for myself personally, so this is sort the cherry on top of all of that. I am transitioning into a new life, focusing on something entirely new for myself, so this feels....natural? I can empathize with the sudden change in life for the folks at GB that have and are exiting. I am nervous for the future, but also excited. So seeing Giant Bomb going through something similar is somewhat comforting, in a weird way. I will still be around to listen to the Bombcast, so I guess some things don't change.

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It could be anything, really. The only thing I will speculate is Covid has affected the entire gaming media industry. If there is a new business model or format, I am sure it will implemented elsewhere.

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Every time a new GiantBeast podcast would come out I would listen on my phone and jog around this pond at a park. When I got too tired to jog, I would sit under a tree in the shade, and just sit peacefully and listen to the rest of the podcast. I did this from 2015-2018 almost every week during the spring and summer.

I listened to the today's stream on my laptop inside, so afterwards I listened to one from 2018 just for fun. It really brought back a surge of memories, because I remember that time period in my life when it originally published way back then. I did my routine today but it just felt so surreal, taking me back to a place in my past.

I moved away from that area since then, so I have not been to that park in years, but I had a lot of emotional connection to that park due to various time spent their with friends and family. Giant Bomb East has a very parallel timeline in my past. I moved to a that area right when Vinny moved out east, and I moved somewhere else right before lockdown. Giant Bomb East will always be tied to me in a way that it will always remind me of a really positive time in my life.

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I know everyone may be feeling very emotional now, so maybe it might be good to express how we have kept Giant Bomb with us in our lives. I know I can not speak for everybody, but I can attest to the fact that Giant Bomb and the Giant Beasts have sort of been a source of comfort for me in difficult times.

Just a small example was way back in the summer of 2015 I went through a tough break up. I would go to the local park and jog around the pond while listening to the Beastcast, and around this time Alex would talk about movies frequently, and brought up the Mad Max movie that came out. Listening to Alex's passion about movies reminded me that I was neglecting my same passion for them. I started watching movies more and more and it was the perfect distraction I needed at the time. Alex's dark, sardonic, and sometimes sarcastic humor really resonates with me. I will really miss listening to Alex talk on a weekly basis.

Anyways, that is just a small example, I have many more but I do not want to write an entire dissertation on how Giant Bomb's 13 year existence has had such a positive impact on my life. I would really like to hear other people stories on how Giant Bomb has been there for them, because I know I am not the only one thinking about this right now.

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I think this community has such a organic appreciation for the staff, it is hard not to feel a emotional surge when someone leaves. I think every Giant Bomb staff member has earned our collective respect through their merit on their work with Giant Bomb. Whether they came from Gamespot, Game Informer, or some other trenches of the video game world, we have grown our fondness for what they have done for us here. I am doing my ritual of buying a six pack, listening to GB content, and really just appreciating this place and how it has been around for myself in my life.

I will always miss Ryan, Dave, Patrick, Austin, Drew, Dan, Abby, Ben, Brad, Vinny, and Alex.

On the flipside, I am excited for the core of Jeff, Jan, Jason, Rorie (?), and Bakalar (?).

It feels like a fresh start. As we begin coming back out of this crappy pandemic, it seems like getting back to basics will be a good thing, and we can maybe see some new growth from there.