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No Playstation Network in Japan yet, heres why.

I dont know whether this has been posted yet, if it has please take it down :D

 What’s the big problem? Without going into major details, Japanese Ministry of Economy official Kazushige Nobutani puts it like so: ”As of May 13, Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the May 1 press conference.” So, in other words, Sony’s not proving they’ve actually fixed anything to Japan yet. As Sony is famously based in Japan, this is another pretty embarrassing turn of events.

Sony cant seem to win recently.

More details on CNETS website: Source


My hour or so game time with Alpha Protocol.....

So i picked this game up cheap on a friends recommendation, and quite frankly i am loving it so far. Granted it has a few quirks, like dodgy AI and some hit detection issues but i am overlooking them on the promise of great story telling and engaging character interaction.

I think the main problem people have with this game is the fact that they are coming at it as an FPS when in truth it is an RPG, it isnt about twitch shooting its about behind the scene dice rolls and character development.

If you look at it like that and can afford to over look a few quirks, and are lucky (or savvy) enough to pick it up for £10 (or you equivelant currency) i would highly recommend it.


It turns out i suck at Mortal Kombat on the Xbox

The title says it all really, having played and enjoyed the demo on PSN i decided to grab a copy on Xbox 360. My mistake, apparently the d-pad on the Xbox isnt as responsive as the PS3's. So it looks like im going to have to pick up a fight stick or failing that a new pad.

Eh, maybe i just suck at MK until then im going to blame the hardware.