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  • Zachatree posted a message on the post RoboMitch 05.

    @blacklagoon said:So... here's a thought for Mike's wish... are there any Blight Club suitable coop games?I don't know if it would be allowed on the site buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Kane and Lynch 2.

  • Zachatree posted a message in the forum topic Guess the Game Thread. on the General Discussion board

    Crispy#GuessTheGame #464🎮 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜#RookieGuesserhttps://GuessThe.Game/

  • Zachatree posted a message in the forum topic The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0. on the General Discussion board

    So I have two at the moment. One all I can remember about is that it was a PS1 fighting game and in the intro a guy pulls off his face to revel he has a scull for a head. The other is an old adventur...

  • Zachatree posted a message on the post Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 (09/09/2020).

    @slime_minister said:Abby's office is seriously awesome.All while Jan has his fridge and Ben has his pillow.Hey no shade guys. Those are pretty much my two zoom backgrounds.

  • Zachatree posted a message on the post We Be Drummin'! IN HELL!!!! 06/18/2020.

    @depecheload: You aren't alone. I used to hate on them for a long time in high school because "I wasn't emo, I was a new waver." It took a bit to stop being a hipster ass and realize it is catchy and...

  • Zachatree posted a message on the post The Final Mario Party.

    Dan you will be missed greatly. Thank you for everything you have done. I am going to miss your game show antics and just generally positive attitude. You got me into wrestling and now I am the one a...

  • Zachatree posted a message on the post Episode 01.

    @fenster: NEVER SAY THAT!

  • Zachatree posted a message on the post 11: Angela Pickles.

    @the_nubster: I guess with Ben doing so much they needed an intern. I'm curious as to his views on Funko Pops.