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    Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands

    Location » linked to 2 games

    Better known as the Plane of Earth, Vegarlson is the realm of The Rathe.

    Short summary describing this location.

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    Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
    Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands

    Vegarlson is the very same Plane of Earth heard of in the stories of Rallosian Empire of ancient times. It is here where the Ogres and other creations of Zek raided the elemental planes and defeated The Rathe, a council of twelve divine beings that govern the element. This would lead to all of Zek's children being cursed with feeble minds, a burden they carry to this day. The Rathe's realm is manifested in the form of muddy lakes, caves, jungles, caverns, and mountains, all of which are full of precious jewels and metals forged by the power of earth. The plane has many wandering denizens, most commonly the Vegorogs, an enormous race of people seemingly built of rotting vegetation and fungus. Planar scholars insist that these Vegorogs are not native to the plane, but are the remnants of Murdunk's army of Ogres that invaded Vegarlson. They are now cursed to wander eternally with decaying bodies and hearts of solid stone.

    In the expansive fields of dirt and mud stand four temples of heavenly construction. Each are guarded by an endless number of creatures, but some more notable than others. The first of which most will approach is a prismatic basilisk. Then there's the Monstrous Mudwalker, a golem of immense power. There are even traps that if triggered will summon an ancient being known as Tribal Leader Diseranon. Two rock golems also reside here, named Galsinak Earthrumble and Peregrin Rockskull, and they make the rock golems of Luclin seem as tough as the bixies of Misty Thicket. And for those that make through the mire of mud, there is a fortress at the southern end of the plane. A locked door holds shut the path to the Rathe Council chambers. And it is guarded by a crocodile named Tantisala Jaggedtooth, who is so large that he could easily swallow a dragon whole. Beyond the door is a series of tunnels inhabited by fierce geonids, a race of living gemstones. Specific tasks must be completed within these mines in order to incur the wrath the Mystical Arbiter of Earth. He is the one who holds the key to Ragrax, the Stronghold of the Twelve.


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