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    William Morgan Sheppard

    Person » credited in 16 games

    British actor willing to take on a variety of roles. Had an FMV role in Zork: Nemesis as the leader of the temple of fire, and has had many video game voiceover roles as well.

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    Sheppard is perhaps best known for his voiceover roles in the Medal of Honor series, but his voice can be heard in a wide variety of games.  

     "Help us!"
    He was featured as the representative of one of the four elemental powers in Zork: Nemesis (right).  
    Sheppard also had various supporting roles in television and film, including playing a Soul Hunter in the series Babylon 5, numerous roles in various Star Trek television series, and as Blank Reg in Max Headroom, the cyberpunk-inspired series for ABC.

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