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#2  Edited By spacemanspiff00

Playing Skull & Bones causes an increased level of microplastics to enter your testicles. Do you want plasticles!?

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#3  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@zombiepie: The fact that the PS portal is the same price as the Dualsense Edge makes me laugh. Also, its apparently quite hard to get those replacement sticks as they're almost always out of stock. Its definitely scummy to me that they locked customization software behind a 200 dollar controller as well.

Edit: I also think its laughable that the Switch Pro controller sells for the same price as a Dualsense and doesn't even have analog triggers, plus it has the cheapest and shittiest rumble effect I've ever experienced in a controller.

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#4  Edited By spacemanspiff00

Apparently, reports are out that Xbox has already approved the next game from Ninja Theory and has no plans to shut them down. Well, that's some good news I guess. If its true.

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#5  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@thepanzini: Considering how much they backed that game last year and its presence at the Game Awards you would think that they would give it a little more fanfare. Especially in the wake of everything that's happened this year already. Just not a good look, regardless.

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#6  Edited By spacemanspiff00

I'm just done with the Xbox brand for the foreseeable future. Even the studios who produce games for the platform are being shut down and Ninja Theory is next. Why else would you not market this game AT ALL. I didn't even realize it was coming out today until yesterday. I'd love to know how much money they're hemorrhaging on their first party studios that haven't produced almost anything in years and most of it sounds like its in dev hell and likely to be cancelled or crap on release. I'm not even really sure who's in charge anymore. I've given them all the rope over the last decade and I'm at the end of it for now.

I even deleted the Xbox app off my PC so I don't have to see the logo anymore.

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#8  Edited By spacemanspiff00
@bigsocrates said:

@spacemanspiff00: A lot of crews work multiple shows, often in a rotation. But most industry people want to work.

"But I also do not think for all of these broken seasons they are shooting at different times. At least some just keep the stuff and release it later. It's harder to schedule and more expensive to break up shooting like that, because you need to take sets down and put them back up etc... and if you have a star with other projects you need to schedule the time."

This one makes me curious. I agree with everything you say here. The question it raises for me is: What are reshoots like in these situations? You put out a first half of a season and that's going to get feedback. If you put out a show all at once you get feedback on the whole shabang. I wonder if second half's get altered because of certain reactions.

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#9  Edited By spacemanspiff00

I wonder what the data shows when it comes to returning viewers for second parts, versus full seasons all at once. Maybe the numbers don't change that much. Perhaps it does work out better due to longer overall exposure. I should do more investigating on how it affects casts and crews. I know its not exactly the same thing but Adrienne Palecki, from The Orville, brought up on Michael Rosenbaum's podcast how it was hard for a lot of the crew to get by during the long break before the 3rd season. I know there are retainers and contracts that allow for other work. Still, I'm sure most would rather have a steady gig.

Something that astonishes me to this day is how many episodes of a cartoon used to come out in a single year. It really makes me wonder about the working conditions. I know the Anime industry gets taxed to death, and its always been that way. While its certainly improved its still a major concern. I suppose in a way, depending on how the work flow is, splitting up stuff might allow for less burnout and fatigue.

As for non-animated stuff, I know there we're issues back when shows were airing 25 episode seasons and filming days were long, they still are. I'd love to just sit with an industry person and pick their brain about all this stuff. And get their take on if this current split season trend is something they see as a benefit. I'm sure its not a cut and dry conversation at all.

@bigsocrates At least with streaming services you can cancel while you wait. But now I believe the hope is that they can rope you in multiple times a year when they have other new content they can try and hook you on as well.

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@av_gamer: I guess that makes some sense to me. Although I feel like it could also have the opposite effect where people either lose interest and/or forget about it. If a show feels the need to do that in its first couple seasons, per your reasoning, I could understand that better. But doing that for a massively popular show just sucks for everyone imo. I can accept stuff being split across services since they pay to produce that content. Still way better than cable.

@sombre One of the reasons I steered clear of that show. I've thought about giving it a go now that its done. I read a bunch of the manga years ago. I hear the show makes some good changes and some not so good changes.